rehabmedik, nyeripunggung, lowbackpain

Exercise Dosage for Lower Back Pain Patients

Low back pain (LBP) or lower back pain is a common condition and can affect a person's quality of life. Therapeutic exercise is one of the recommended management approaches for patients with LBP, and appropriate exercise dosing is essential to achieving optimal results.

Before starting exercise, an initial evaluation should be performed to assess the severity of LBP, causal factors, the patient's physical condition, as well as their medical history and daily activities. From the results of this evaluation, the exercise program can be adjusted to meet the patient's individual needs. It is best if a medical professional, such as a physiotherapist or medical rehabilitation specialist, is involved in planning and supervising an LBP patient's exercise program.

There are several main components in the exercise regimen for LBP patients, namely core muscle strengthening exercises, muscle stretching exercises, aerobic training, functional training, and posture training.

Core muscle strengthening exercises, namely strong and stable core muscles, including the abdominal, back, and pelvic muscles, can help support the spine and reduce stress on the lower back area. Core muscle strengthening exercises must be carried out with correct and progressive technique, starting from a low intensity and increasing gradually according to the patient's abilities.

Muscle stretching exercises can help relieve muscle tension caused by LBP. Stretching the lower back, pelvis, hamstrings, and other related muscles can help increase flexibility and reduce stiffness in the lower back area.

Aerobic exercise, namely low-load aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling, or swimming, can help improve cardiorespiratory health, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of obesity and risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Aerobic exercise can be an important part of an LBP patient's exercise program to improve physical endurance and overall quality of life.

Functional training is exercise that involves movements that are similar to the patient's daily activities, such as lifting weights, bending, or turning. Functional training can help improve the patient's ability to carry out daily activities safely and efficiently, as well as prepare the body for functional loads.

Posture training is an exercise that involves increasing awareness of correct body posture and adjusting body position when sitting, standing, and walking.

So the amount of exercise for low back pain patients is movement designed to train muscle strength, which aims to reduce pain, improve physical function, and improve the quality of life, which is handled professionally.

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