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danger sign of pregnancy

Hi Hermina Friends,
for all future mothers and fathers, who are awaiting the birth of their beloved children. During pregnancy, the mother may experience something that turns out to be a danger sign of pregnancy. The maternal and child health books obtained from health services also explain what are the danger signs of pregnant women. Mothers can read and ask midwives or health workers who accompany mothers during pregnancy. If you experience one or more of these signs, immediately come to the nearest health service, mother.
For mothers, this is a sign of danger in pregnancy, which is a symptom that indicates that the mother or the baby she is carrying is in a dangerous condition. These symptoms or disorders can occur suddenly, without showing any previous symptoms.
Various danger signs of pregnancy
1. Vaginal bleeding
In early pregnancy, the mother may experience light bleeding or spotting. This is normal. In the early first trimester of pregnancy, abnormal bleeding is red bleeding, heavy bleeding, or bleeding with pain. This bleeding can mean abortion, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy

2. Severe headaches
Headaches that occur in the last 12 weeks before birth centered around the forehead and over the eyes. Headaches that indicate a serious problem are headaches that persist and do not go away with rest, headaches can last more than 2-3 hours.

​3. Vision problems
It is said that there is a problem if vision is suddenly blurred and shaded, visual disturbances such as double vision, such as seeing dots or lights, this is a symptom of preeclampsia or toxemia that must be reported to health workers immediately.

4. Swelling of the face and hands
Nearly half of pregnant women will experience lower leg swelling at the age of 6 months of pregnancy and above. This swollen condition can be said to be normal, and can disappear by itself after resting by elevating your feet. However, swelling can represent a serious problem if it appears on the face and hands, does not go away after rest, and is accompanied by other physical complaints and persists for more than 24 hours. If left unchecked, this situation can endanger the mother and fetus.
​5. Severe abdominal pain
Severe abdominal pain may occur in the form of stomach cramps or sharp, stabbing pain accompanied by a feeling of fainting. These symptoms are symptoms of preeclampsia which can turn into eclampsia at any time and can endanger the safety of the mother and baby.

6. The baby's movements are not as usual
Mothers begin to feel their baby's movements at 18 to 20 weeks in the first pregnancy or 2 weeks earlier in the second pregnancy. If the mother does not feel fetal movement for 12 hours or after 22 weeks of pregnancy, if this is found in pregnant women, it is recommended that the mother immediately go to a health facility
Other danger signs
A. Hyperemesis Gravidarum
This condition occurs if pregnant women experience excessive vomiting during 1-4 months of pregnancy. Vomiting can occur not only in the morning or every time you eat or drink. If it is felt that the condition of excessive vomiting has reached the stage of interfering with the quality of life, you should immediately check the condition at the nearest health facility.

B. Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication caused by the pregnancy itself. Mild preeclampsia only shows symptoms of hypertension. Severe preeclampsia can be identified by increased blood pressure, visual disturbances, and epigastric pain. Eclampsia can be known by the presence of signs and symptoms, such as severe preeclampsia accompanied by seizures

C. Premature rupture of membranes
Premature rupture of membranes can be identified by the following things:
Discharge in the form of water from the vagina after 22 weeks of pregnancy. The amniotic fluid is declared premature rupture if it occurs before labor takes place
Rupture of the membranes can occur in preterm pregnancies before 37 weeks of gestation or term pregnancies.

D. Hydatidiform mole
For reasons unknown to us, the pregnancy develops abnormally and the uterus fills with grape-like bubbles. The uterus in a molar pregnancy is larger than the size for normal gestational age. The fetal heart is not audible and the body parts of the fetus are not palpable. In this case, you can find vaginal bleeding that is scanty and dark in color

E. Ectopic Pregnancy
These pregnancies rarely last longer than 6-10 weeks because the site is not suitable for the growing placenta and there is not enough space to accommodate the developing pregnancy. Signs and symptoms are amenorrhea, early changes in the breasts, uterine enlargement, positive pregnancy. The result is pain in the lower abdomen.
