psikiater, kesehatan jiwa, dokterkesehatanjiwa, depresi, kejiwaan, gangguan jiwa, stres

Signs that you are in need Help Psychiatrist

Mental health The same importance with health physical , but often signs disturbance health soul No realized or ignored . Psychiatrist is power medical who has skill special in handle various problem health soul , like depression , anxiety , disorders sleep , until disturbance psychotic . Here is a number of signs somebody Possible need help psychiatrist .

1. Changes Extreme Moods​

If someone experience change atmosphere drastic heart , such as feel very happy Then suddenly be very sad or angry without obvious reason , this​ Can become sign mood disorders such as bipolar disorder or depression . Psychiatrist can help diagnose condition this and give appropriate treatment .​

2. Difficulty Manage Stres

Stres is part from life , but If somebody feel No capable overcome it until influence activity daily , work , or connection with other people, this Can become indication the need consultation with psychiatrist . Uncontrolled stress​ managed can develop become disturbance anxiety or depression .

3. Sleep Disorders

Prolonged insomnia , sleep excessive , or dream persistent bad​ can become sign existence disturbance health soul , like depression or PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Psychiatrist can help determine the cause and provide appropriate therapy .​

4. Feel Hopeless or Worthless​​

Feeling separated hope , no useful , or think that life No means is symptom main depression . If someone feel like This during more from two weeks , it is very important For quick look for help from psychiatrist .

5. Thoughts For Self - Harm or Others

Thought about kill self or hurting others is sign emergency health a soul in need intervention quick from psychiatrists . They can give evaluation risks and treatment For prevent something more​ bad happen .

6. Difficulty Focus and Concentration

If someone experience difficulty For focus , remember information , or finish task everyday , this Can become sign disturbance such as ADHD ( Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ) or depression . Psychiatrist can help diagnose and treat condition This .

7. Experiencing unresolved trauma

Trauma due to loss of a loved one , violence , or accident can influence health soul someone . If this trauma Keep going bother life daily , consultation with psychiatrist can help process and overcome the trauma .

8. Dependence on Alcohol or Medicines​

Use alcohol or drugs For overcome problem or emotion negative can develop become addiction . Psychiatrist own skill For help overcome dependence This through approach medical and therapeutic .

9. Hallucinations or Delusion

Hear voice that is not there is , see things that are not real , or own belief that is not rational ( delusion ) is sign disturbance psychotic , such as schizophrenia . Condition This need Handling quick from psychiatrist .

10. Problems Recurring Relationships​

If someone continously experience conflict in good relationship​ That with family , friends , or couple , and feel difficult For build healthy relationship , this​ Can become sign existence problem emotional needs​ handled .


Psychiatrist play role important in help individuals who experience problem health soul . If you or someone close to you experiences one of these or a number of the above sign , do not hesitate to consult with Mental Health Doctor or Psychiatrists at Hermina OPI Jakabaring Hospital . Increasingly fast problem handled , the more big opportunity For recovery .


  1. https://www.europeanhm . com/articles/mental-health-whats-normal-whats-not
