Signs that Labor is Imminent: What You Need to Know to Be Ready to Welcome Your Little One

Signs that Labor is Imminent: What You Need to Know to Be Ready to Welcome Your Little One

Welcoming the birth of a baby is a moment that every mother-to-be looks forward to. Knowing the signs that labor is approaching is very important so that you can prepare yourself and your family well. The following are some common signs that labor is approaching, based on various reliable sources.


1. Contractions are regular and getting stronger

Contractions are the most common sign that labor is near. Labor contractions usually occur regularly, become stronger, and closer together. If you feel your contractions are irregular or go away after resting, they may be Braxton Hicks contractions, which generally do not indicate true labor.


2. Bloody Mucus Comes Out (Bloody Show)

When the cervix begins to widen (dilation) and thin ( efacement ) in preparation for birth, you may see a discharge of mucus mixed with blood from the vagina. This is a sign that your body is preparing for labor.


3. Rupture of membranes

Rupture of the amniotic sac, often called water breaking, is a sure sign that labor is near. Amniotic fluid can come out suddenly or seep slowly. After the membranes break, labor will usually begin immediately or it is recommended to immediately get medical help.


4. Changes in Baby Position

Towards delivery, the baby will begin to descend into the pelvis in a position ready to be born. You may feel greater pressure in the pelvic area and increased frequency of urination. This position, called "lightening" or "engagement," signals that your body is preparing for the birth process.


5. Back Pain and Cramps

Increasingly intense lower back pain and abdominal cramps similar to menstrual cramps are other signs of imminent labor. This pain occurs due to changes in position and movement of the baby in the pelvis.


6. Softening and thinning of the cervix

During a prenatal exam, your doctor or midwife may check for changes in the cervix. Softening, effacement, and dilation of the cervix are indications that your body is preparing to give birth.


7. Increased Energy or " Nesting Instinct "

Many women feel a sudden rush of energy or desire to "nest" as labor approaches. This could mean cleaning the house, preparing baby supplies, or arranging the environment to be ready for the baby's arrival.


8. Diarrhea or Indigestion

Hormonal changes before delivery can cause digestive disorders such as diarrhea. Your body is cleansing itself in preparation for birth.


When to Call a Doctor?

If Germina's friends experience the signs of labor above, especially if the membranes rupture or contractions occur every five minutes and last for an hour, immediately contact your doctor or midwife. They will tell you the next steps to take.


Knowing the signs that labor is approaching can help Hermina's friends feel more prepared and calm about the birth process. Make sure to always consult with professional medical personnel to get the best information and support during pregnancy and childbirth.



Mayo Clinic. (2021). Labor and delivery: Signs of labor.

WebMD. (2021). Stages of labor: Early signs, active labor, and giving birth.

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