Treat Sprains Before They Become Dangerous

Treat Sprains Before They Become Dangerous

Sprains, or in medical terms known as sprains, are common injuries that occur in ligaments, namely the tissue that connects bones to other bones. Sprains often occur in the ankles, but can also occur in other parts of the body such as the wrists, knees, and fingers. Although often considered trivial, sprains can cause serious complications if not treated properly.

Sprains usually result from a sudden movement or fall that causes the ligaments to stretch or tear. Some common causes of sprains include:

  1. Intense Physical Activity: Sports such as soccer, basketball, or sprinting can increase the risk of sprains, especially if done without adequate warm-up.
  2. Muscle Imbalance or Weakness: Weak or unbalanced muscles can cause ligaments to work harder and be susceptible to injury.
  3. Certain Medical Conditions: Some conditions such as joint hypermobility or balance disorders can increase the risk of sprains.
  4. Improper Shoes: Wearing inappropriate or worn shoes can cause ankle instability and increase the risk of sprains

Symptoms of a sprain can vary depending on its severity. In general, sprain symptoms include:

  1. Pain: Pain that occurs in the injured area, especially when moving or bearing weight.
  2. Swelling: Swelling of the sprained area due to increased fluid around the injured ligament.
  3. Bruising: The appearance of bruising or changes in skin color around the injured area.
  4. Limitation of Movement: It is difficult to move the sprained joint, especially if the injury is severe.
  5. Weakness or Instability: Feeling weak or unstable in the sprained joint.

If not treated properly, sprains can cause various serious complications, including:

  1. Chronic Sprains: Sprains that do not heal properly can recur and become a chronic condition. This can cause permanent instability in the joint.
  2. Osteoarthritis: Injury to ligaments can increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis later in life.
  3. Nerve and Blood Vessel Damage: A severe sprain can damage the nerves and blood vessels around the joint, causing numbness or impaired blood circulation.
  4. Decreased Joint Function: Without proper treatment, sprained joints can lose their optimal function, hindering daily activities.

Treatment of sprains generally involves the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) approach:

  1. Rest: Resting the injured joint to prevent further damage.
  2. Ice: Compress the injured area with ice for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours to reduce swelling.
  3. Compression: Using an elastic bandage to compress the injured area, helping to reduce swelling.
  4. Elevation: Elevating the injured area higher than the heart to reduce swelling.

Some steps you can take to prevent sprains include:

Warm Up Before Exercise: Warm up adequately before physical activity to increase muscle and ligament flexibility.

  1. Using the Right Shoes: Choose shoes that are suitable for the activity being carried out, and replace shoes that are worn out.
  2. Strength and Flexibility Training: Perform exercises to strengthen muscles and increase ligament flexibility.
  3. Avoid Uneven Surfaces: Use caution when walking or running on uneven surfaces to reduce the risk of falls or sprains.

Sprains are a common injury that can have serious consequences if not treated properly. Understanding the causes, symptoms and how to treat sprains is very important to prevent complications and speed up the healing process. With the right preventive measures, the risk of sprains can be minimized, and daily activities can be carried out more safely and comfortably. If Hermina's Friend experiencing a sprain, immediately carry out initial treatment and consult with medical personnel for further treatment. RSU Hermina Purwokerto has orthopedic specialists that Hermina Friends can consult.

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  1. Mayo Clinic. (2023). Sprains. Retrieved from
  2. WebMD. (2023). Sprains and Strains. Retrieved from
  3. AAOS. (2023). Sprains. Retrieved from
  4. NHS. (2023). Sprains and Strains. Retrieved from
  5. Cleveland Clinic. (2023). Sprains and Strains. Retrieved from
  6. MedlinePlus. (2023). Sprains and Strains. Retrieved from


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