Already had a stroke... So what should I do?

Already had a stroke... So what should I do?

Neurological diseases are still one of the biggest causes of disability, which in the future can cause an increased risk of opportunistic infections and death. Loss of neurological function occurs naturally with aging, with degenerative conditions such as Parkinson's disease and dementia, and diseases such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and tumors of the nervous system

Stroke is currently the third cause of death and causes long-term disability. More than half of stroke patients who survive the acute phase of stroke are unable to walk and will require a period of rehabilitation to achieve independence. However, unfortunately, due to the lack of public awareness regarding stroke, the process of nerve cell regeneration, which should be maximized, has actually stalled.

We all need to know that our body cells are flexible and adaptive. Damaged body tissue cells can also experience repair and form new synapses gradually with environmental adjustments and appropriate therapy, including nerve cells. Therefore, for patients who have already had a stroke, it is very important to understand a new phase in their life, namely the rehabilitative phase, in order to achieve maximum body function and independence.
Therefore, Hermina's friends need to understand what simple steps can be the main key to improving nerve function in post-stroke patients. Some of them are:

1. Walking training, walking is one of the main goals of post-stroke patients who experience paralysis, and actually doing walking training will increase the patient's chances of walking independently. Studies show that patients who do slow walking exercises (less than 0.4m per second) are able to improve their speed and endurance significantly, even if the exercise is carried out 3 -12 months after the acute stroke phase.
2. Healthy eating patterns, just as stroke problems begin with poor food choices, stroke improvement is also influenced by food quality. It is recommended to choose foods with high levels of omega 3 such as fish and nuts, as well as foods with high protein content.
3. Socialize and think positively. Decreased cognitive function in stroke sufferers can be a factor that really disrupts the functional and mental health of patients and their families. Therefore, it is very important to have a supportive environment that provides motivation for patients to continue to play an active role socially. Positive thoughts are also no less important, studies show that the improved outcomes of patients who have positive thoughts and high motivation show significantly better improvements compared to patients who tend to be depressive and unmotivated.
4. Control stroke risk factors, various of which are hypertension, diabetes (diabetes), lipid (cholesterol) profile disorders in the blood, and heart problems. If this problem has occurred previously, a careful and quick strategy is needed to correct each existing risk factor so that there is no possibility of another stroke. If necessary, consult a doctor in the related field regarding the problem.
5. Get enough sleep. Sleep is an important factor and is needed by everyone, especially for people who are in the recovery stage after a stroke.  Good quality sleep can also improve brain function after a stroke. The process of brain cell regeneration will be achieved optimally if the quality and quantity of sleep for stroke sufferers is met properly.
This entire process is the first step in a definition called neurorestoration. Neurorestoration is a branch of neurology that applies active procedures to repair the function of a disturbed nervous system, both functionally and pathologically. Neurorestoration encompasses neuroplasticity, neuroregeneration & neurorepair, neurogenesis and cell therapy, neuromodulation & neuroengineering and neurorehabilitation.

There is a lot that can still be done to help the process of improving the condition of stroke sufferers, therefore, Hermina's friends, it is very important to understand more deeply about stroke and other nerve cell damage diseases, consult all matters related to stroke and other neurological disorders with a neurologist/neurology specialist. at Hermina Hospital.

Source :
1. Abdul Gofir. 2009. Evidence based medicine for stroke management, 
2. Adams et al. 2013. Guidelines for the early management of patients with ischemic stroke
3. Duncan et al. 2005. Management of adult stroke rehabilitation care
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