
It turns out that these three habits can improve hemorrhoids.

Have you ever felt pain or discomfort in the anus, especially when sitting? This could be a symptom of hemorrhoids. This condition can really interfere with daily activities because the pain it causes makes it difficult for you to sit. It turns out that this bad habit can be one of the causes of hemorrhoids. So, let's find out what bad habits are.

This habit can cause hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids, or hemorrhoids, are a disease that is common in Indonesian society. This disorder occurs when the blood vessels (veins) in the anal area swell and become inflamed. This causes a blockage of blood flow from the veins. This condition, called hemorrhoids, is generally considered harmless if it attacks

Hemorrhoids, or in English, "hemorrhoids," can be caused by a poor diet and bad living habits. Many people realize too late that they have hemorrhoids. In fact, hemorrhoids can cause sufferers to have difficulty carrying out daily activities. The cause is pain when sitting.

 Therefore, it is important to know some habits that can cause hemorrhoids. Please note that you can stop it before it happens. Here are some bad habits that can increase the risk of hemorrhoids,as follows:

1. Sitting too long on the toilet

One habit that can cause hemorrhoids is sitting on the toilet for too long. In this era of gadgets, many people spend a lot of time carrying gadgets when defecating. There are even those who design their bathrooms to be equipped with televisions or bring gadgets when defecating, so that people will feel comfortable sitting on the toilet for a long time when defecating. If this habit is carried out in the long term, it can cause anal inflammation, which causes hemorrhoids.

The longer a person sits on the toilet, the more blood will collect and flow into the blood vessels underneath due to the influence of gravity. So, try to prevent habits that can increase the risk of hemorrhoids. Another advantage that we can feel is that we don't waste a lot of time, so we work more efficiently.

2. Consuming junk food too often

The habit of consuming unhealthy food, especially without vegetables or fruit, can be the main cause of hemorrhoids. Consuming too much spicy, fatty, or junk food can cause constipation or diarrhea, which can also increase the risk of hemorrhoids.

Lack of fiber can actually cause hemorrhoids. The reason is that a lot of fiber is needed to help bulk up and soften stool so that it can pass through the digestive tract smoothly.

If you eat junk food too often, without vegetables and fruit, the function of the digestive system can be hampered. As a result, the stool becomes hard. Hard stools force you to push harder. Yes, this condition causes hemorrhoids.

3. Lifting heavy loads

You need to know that lifting heavy weights, especially suddenly, is one of the habits that causes hemorrhoids. Lifting heavy objects can put pressure on the rectum, causing the blood vessels to swell. To avoid this condition, avoid straining when lifting heavy objects. If you have to lift something heavy, make sure your body position is correct and don't strain.

Knowing that the three habits mentioned above can increase the risk of hemorrhoids, let's start now to avoid these bad habits and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Consult a doctor if you have symptoms of hemorrhoids. I hope it is useful.

