tes kesiapan sekolah, rs hermina podomoro, psikolog

School Readiness Test: Why It's Important and How to Assess It from a Psychologist's Perspective


Starting formal education is a significant milestone in a child's life. School readiness encompasses not only academic aspects but also emotional, social, and physical preparedness. As a parent, it's essential to understand the various factors that determine whether your child is ready to start school. This article, written by a psychologist, will discuss the school readiness test and how its results can be used to ensure a successful transition into the world of formal education.

What is a School Readiness Test?

A school readiness test is a tool used to assess whether a child has the necessary skills to start school. This test covers various aspects, including cognitive abilities, motor skills, language skills, as well as social and emotional readiness. The results of this test can provide insights into areas that need attention and further development before the child begins formal education.

Aspects Assessed in the School Readiness Test

  1. Cognitive Abilities
    • Recognizing letters and number
    • Understanding basic concepts such as colors and shapes
    • Problem-solving simple tasks
  2. Motor Skills
    • Eye-hand coordination
    • Writing and drawing skills
    • Gross motor skills such as running and jumping
  3. Language Skills
    • Speaking and listening abilities
    • Understanding simple instructions
    • Basic reading skills
  4. Social and Emotional Readiness
    • Ability to interact with peers
    • Sharing and cooperating skills
    • Emotional control and response to stress

Why is the School Readiness Test Important?

The school readiness test helps parents and educators understand if a child is prepared to begin formal education. It allows for early intervention if there are areas needing special attention. By understanding a child's readiness, parents can help facilitate a smoother transition to the school environment, ensuring that the child starts their learning experience on the right foot.

When to Consult a Psychologist?

If you feel that your child may not be emotionally or academically ready to start school, or if the school readiness test results indicate areas needing attention, it's important to consult a psychologist. A psychologist can help identify specific issues, provide intervention strategies, and support the child in developing the necessary skills for school success.


Assessing a child's school readiness is a crucial step to ensure they are prepared to face the challenges of formal education. The school readiness test provides a comprehensive overview of a child's skills and abilities, enabling early intervention and necessary support. Do not hesitate to consult a psychologist at Hermina Podomoro Hospital if you have concerns about your child's school readiness. A consultation with a psychologist can offer valuable insights and strategies to help your child embark on their educational journey with confidence and success.



1. Santrock, J. W. (2018). Child Development. McGraw-Hill Education.

2. Berk, L. E. (2014). Development Through the Lifespan. Pearson Education.

3. Morrison, G. S. (2014). Early Childhood Education Today. Pearson Education.

4. American Psychological Association. (2023). School Readiness. [APA](https://www.apa.org).
