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The Silent Killer Disease "Diabetes Militus"

Hermina's companions, Diabetes Militus, or just diabetes, is a condition where the pancreas' ability to produce insulin is impaired or nonexistent. Type 1, type 2, and various additional forms of diabetes exist. According to a forecast by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Indonesia would have 19.5 million diabetics between the ages of 20 and 79, placing it in fifth place globally in 2021. Type 2 diabetes, the leading cause of cases worldwide, is brought on by lifestyle and hereditary factors.

Did Hermina Friends realize that there is a chance that diabetes can develop in children due to lifestyle factors? Among them are:

  1. Frequent or excessive fast food (junk food) consumption can have an effect on health. Because eating fast food might make your metabolism work harder than it should and have an impact on how effectively your body uses insulin.
  2. Exercise infrequently. The truth is that a lack of exercise can result in fat accumulation and obesity. They have a higher chance of having diabetes if they are overweight.
  3. Improper blood sugar monitoring. Lack of blood sugar monitoring will affect your ability to maintain a regular lifestyle and avoid eating excessive amounts of sugar.
  4. Using tobacco and alcohol. Smoking is a harmful habit that can affect blood vessel elasticity. Diabetes is also prone to problems, making it vulnerable to heart disease, stroke, kidney, and lung damage.

There are various indications that someone has diabetes:

  1. Often urinating
  2. Illnesses that are challenging to heal
  3. Constantly feeling dehydrated
  4. Constantly feeling hungry
  5. Regularly waking up at night to use the restroom

Additionally, these indications are:

  1. Feeling dizzy
  2. Sleepy easily
  3. A decrease in awareness of an emergency if the sugar level is really high.

Although it is impossible to anticipate the exact number of people who will have diabetes mellitus because it is an inherited disease, if there is a family history of the condition, the children may also develop the condition. With a healthy lifestyle and frequent exercise, this can be avoided.

If you have a family history of diabetes mellitus, experience the symptoms listed above, or are suspicious or concerned about a wound that won't heal, you should start being watchful and get screened right away so that your blood sugar can be managed effectively.

Friends of Hermina, adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating right, exercising regularly, and managing your blood sugar monthly so that it is stabilized and does not cause complications for other organs. Don't be afraid to ask our specialized experts at Hermina Galaxy Hospital about the health of Friends of Hermina. Using the Halo Hermina app or our call center at 1500488 makes scheduling appointments with doctors simpler.
