penyakit dalam, maag

Tips for Maag sufferers to conduct fasting worship

Tips for Maag sufferers to conduct fasting worship

Someone who has a stomach disease is sometimes afraid to perform fasting worship. The stomach disease itself is a health condition where there is swelling, inflammation or irritation of the stomach layer. It usually attacks suddenly and lasts briefly, but sometimes it is also a part of a serious health condition that lasts long enough.

The disease of the stomach itself consists of, can be seen from the degree of severity:

  • Mild Ulcer

Mild gastritis is still classified as a mild stage, where usually everyone is already at this stage, if an examination is carried out you will see excess stomach acid in the moderate area.

  • Moderate ulcer

Ulcers at this stage already cause painful pain, aches and nausea

  • Chronic gastritis

Chronic ulcers are ulcers that are more severe than normal ulcers

  • Gastric Cancer

Gastric cancer occurs due to harmful microorganisms, namely Helycobacter Pylori

Some things affect the onset of stomach disease, among others:

  1. Excessive gastric acid production
  2. Helicobacter pylori infection that usually lives in the stomach in small amounts. When more gastric acids are produced then the defenses of the gastric wall become weak, these bacteria can increase in large numbers, let alone accompanied by poor food hygiene.
  3. Disturbance of movement of the intestinal tract
  4. Psychological stress

For stomach sufferers, do not worry can still do fasting, by following the following tips,

  1. Selection of the diet, among them the Mediterranean diet that contains a lot of fruit, fiber, olive oil as a source of fat and also fish protein in limited quantities compared to the non-Mediterranean diet where many contain red meat colored, gorengan and also fast food.
  2. Avoid drinks such as coffee, chocolate, and tea as well as ingredients that use mint
  3. Avoid irritating substances in the stomach
  4. Use gastric medication 30 to 60 minutes before meals
  5. Evite direct sleep after eating at least 2 hours after the last meal.
  6. Avoid stress

Friends of Hermina who need more information can go directly to the Doctor of Internal Medicine at Hermina Samarinda Hospital.


Reviewed: Dr. Bernie, Sp.PD


Sembiring Jakaria (2018). Deteksi Awal Penyakit Mag Hal 210.

Hulu Victor (2020). Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular : Riwayat Penularan dan Pencegahan
Cleveland Clinic. 2020. Gastritis. [daring].

