Prevention of Beginner Smokers

Prevention of Beginner Smokers

Indonesia is a country with the third highest number of smokers in the world. Children are a valuable asset for the country and are increasingly threatened to become tobacco consumers in the future. Preventing children from becoming smokers is very important. The number of child smokers continues to increase every year. The increase in smokers in children aged 0-19 years in Indonesia continues to increase every year with an average age of starting smoking 10 years. The world has even dubbed Indonesia the “baby smoker country”.

Smoking risks causing various diseases or health problems that can occur both to the smoker himself (active smoker) and to other people around him who do not smoke (passive smoker). Passive smokers are people who are not smokers but are forced to inhale or inhale cigarette smoke released by smokers.

It should be noted that the risk of smoking since adolescence, can slowly decrease lung function. With decreased lung function, adolescents will be more susceptible to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary TB, and lung cancer. Smokers are at risk of developing pulmonary TB 2-5 times greater than those who do not smoke.

The negative impact of smoking can cause an increased risk of disease in almost all parts of the body. Diseases that often arise related to smoking include:

     Lung Disease

Cigarette smoke causes inflammation or inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, pneumonia and lung cancer.

     Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Active smokers are prone to stroke because the side effects of smoking cause weakening of blood vessels.

     Impotence and Reproductive Organ Diseases

Chemicals in cigarettes can reduce sperm production and egg quality.

     Diseases of the stomach and digestive tract

Cigarette smoke that enters the digestive tract will cause increased stomach acid


The content of toxic substances in cigarette smoke has carcinogenic properties or triggers body cells to turn into cancer cells

The habit of smoking causes various diseases that can cause death, thus preventing someone, especially teenagers, from starting the habit of smoking. 5 tips so you don't start smoking, by carrying out the following steps:

     Resist the curiosity
     Make friends with people who don't smoke
     Avoid activities that involve smoking
     Try to stay busy
     Be proud as a non-smoker

Smoking habits can be stopped. How do teenagers stop smoking? Follow these 5 tips:

     Strong Inner Determination

Make a list of reasons to quit smoking to strengthen your resolve to quit smoking.

     Positive thinking

Think positively and believe in the success of quitting smoking.

     Set Target Time

Quitting smoking can't just go away, set a time target and reduce smoking little by little.

     Friends & Family Support

Ask friends and family to help remind you not to smoke.

     Positive Activities

Look for activities that can make you forget to smoke, such as sports.


The benefits of quitting smoking are as follows:

     Time 20 minutes: useful for blood pressure, heart rate and peripheral blood flow to improve.
     Time 12 Hours: almost all of the nicotine in the body has been metabolized, the level of CO in the blood returns to normal.
     Time 24-28 Hours: nicotine begins to be eliminated from the body. The function of taste and smell begins to improve. Cardiovascular system has improved well.

The risk of infection in the wound after surgery is significantly reduced. Airway and lung ciliary function improves. Coughing and shortness of breath reduced.

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