Tips to Prevent Heart Disease and Its Recurrence

Tips to Prevent Heart Disease and Its Recurrence

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in Indonesia and even in the world. It is not uncommon for us to hear of sudden deaths due to heart attacks. Heart disease is also known as a silent killer disease, which means that heart disease generally does not show symptoms at first but can suddenly take the life of those who suffer from it. Often, sufferers come to the hospital with quite serious conditions such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and even being on the verge of death. However, we can recognize the symptoms that we can prevent, such as: suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension; shortness of breath; and also getting tired easily.

Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease

  • Smoke
  • Hypertension sufferers
  • Diabetics
  • Dyslipidemia

Apart from the risk factors above, there are also risk factors such as stress, consuming alcohol, and obesity.

People who have a smoking habit have a greater chance of experiencing heart disease in the future. Likewise, people who have uncontrolled high blood pressure also have a high chance of experiencing stroke and heart disease in the future. The implications of high blood pressure are enormous.

When is it time to go to the hospital?

Immediately go to the emergency room if you experience symptoms of severe chest pain, which is typical for people experiencing a heart attack, including the chest feeling heavy, like being crushed or hot, or burning and spreading to the neck, shoulders, and even the solar plexus. Followed by sweating, nausea, and vomiting.

For patients who are undergoing treatment and routine check-ups with a heart doctor and feel chest pain, put the medicine under the tongue. If it has been given three times at five-minute intervals and the pain does not decrease, then immediately go to the emergency room to get snacks.

Tips to Prevent Heart Disease and its Recurrence

  • Primordial Prevention: We can do this even before symptoms occur, even early on. Like parents watching their children's diet.
  • Primary Prevention: Done by controlling all risk factors, such as not smoking, controlling blood pressure, and controlling blood sugar. Carry out a medical check-up to detect it early and be treated more quickly and precisely.
  • Secondary Prevention: This is done by taking medication given by the doctor and regular control, accompanied by exercise portions that have been determined by the doctor. The exercise portion will be regulated by the doctor; usually, it is recommended to walk for 30 minutes every day or 2-3 times a week. The heart doctor will later prescribe exercise for heart patients according to their individual conditions.

Hermina friends, watch the Hermina Podcast episode "Prevent Heart Disease and its Recurrence!" on the Hermina Hospitals YouTube channel! (Click here).

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