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If you have ever had a skin reaction in the form of a red rash, hives, breakouts/acne accompanied by an itching or burning sensation after using certain skincare products, after consuming certain foods or the reaction came due to extreme weather, then you may have sensitive skin.

Owners of sensitive skin basically have skin that is easily irritated. Then how to maintain health?

How to Maintain Sensitive Skin Health

Here's a list of DO and DON'T that must be known to maintain the health of sensitive skin.

DO :

1. Using a moisturizer/moisturizer

Choose a moisturizer that has an allergy-free formula (hypoallergenic) and is free from additives such as perfume, dyes, and alcohol. Moisturizing content containing ceramide is highly recommended for sensitive skin with skin barrier disorders (atopy). Apply moisturizer after bathing 2x a day, especially on dry and cracked skin.

2. Double Cleansing

Sensitive skin also needs double cleansing to ensure all dirt residue is removed from the skin. You can choose products that are specifically for sensitive skin, and do a circular motion when cleaning your face.

3. Use mild soap

Also use a soap with a special formulation for sensitive skin. Usually this soap has the same PH as the skin in the range of 6-7. Another feature of this gentle soap is that it contains little foam and feels soft on the skin when used and is free of perfume, parabens and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS free).

4. Use sunscreen

UV rays can cause sensitive skin because they can penetrate into the layers of the skin and trigger a photosensitivity/sunburn reaction in the skin. So, make sure to always use sunscreen every day and reapply every 3 hours to keep your skin from experiencing increased sensitivity.


1. Avoid contact with allergens and skin care products that trigger allergies

Allergens can be found in certain foods, household consumables such as detergents, hygiene products such as deodorants, toothpaste and so on. The use of cosmetics containing skin lightening/bleaching such as AHA-BHA, retinoic acid, hydroquinone, kojic acid and so on should be consulted upstream to a dermatologist/skin specialist, because inappropriate and careless use will result in damage to the skin barrier which in turn will trigger sensitive skin.

2. Avoid taking hot showers > 40oC and bathing > 10 minutes

Bath water temperature that is too hot and the duration of the bath is too long can also accelerate the breakdown of the skin barrier.

3. Avoid exfoliating your skin too often

Removing dead skin cells is important to keep the face bright and free of blackheads. However, you need to be careful not to do it too o

Consultation is needed not only when the skin is problematic but also should be done before choosing the right cosmetic product on the face, especially for owners of sensitive skin, considering that not all cosmetic products are suitable for use on sensitive skin. Consult your skin health problems with a Dermatologist and Sex Specialist to get healthy skin often. Exfoliate once a month on sensitive skin.
