Tips Pemberian MPASI yang tepat dan bergizi

Tips Pemberian MPASI yang tepat dan bergizi

Do you know Hermina's best friend? Giving complementary food to ASI, or MPASI, is an important period in the first 1000 (one thousand) days in the development of your little one. Several studies have shown that many babies fail to thrive due to poor-quality solids. Of course, Hermina's best friend doesn't want this to happen to your little one, right? So, Friends of Hermina, when do you have to give MPASI?


Breast milk alone can usually meet the baby's calorie needs during the first month at the age of six (six). Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) recommend giving complementary foods when babies are 6 months old. However, under certain conditions, it turns out that MPASI can be given earlier, starting at the age of four months. Because in these conditions, breast milk alone cannot meet the nutrition and calorie needs of your little one; for example, under conditions of unfavorable weight gain, body length and head circumference do not develop optimally. Therefore, to meet their needs, we can provide complementary foods earlier so that the baby can still grow optimally. Of course, you should first consult with a pediatrician, because if you don't, giving complementary foods earlier can cause other problems such as gastrointestinal infections, obesity, and allergies. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor first. Usually, the doctor will see the baby and ask the mother about its readiness—whether the baby is ready to be given additional food—by paying attention to signs of readiness such as his head being able to straighten up.


Then how do we provide quality MPASI? A single menu is no longer recommended for complementary feeding because there is no single type of food that can provide all the nutrients it needs. The complete menu is a recommendation for complementary feeding that contains carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Also introduce vegetables and fruits as a supplement, but only in small quantities. Don't give MPASI too much trouble, Hermina friends. Friends of Hermina can get nutrition from the food that the family usually eats at home.


Some questions that often arise regarding MPASI include:

  1. Can I add sugar and salt? Sugar and salt can also be provided on the MPASI menu, of course, in small quantities. Add sugar and salt in an amount that is less than 1 gram.
  2. What about providing MPASI right away? Working mothers frequently ask about giving instant MPASI that are sold in the market. It turns out that giving instant MPASI is allowed. Even the advantage of giving instant MPASI is the need for calories and macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, minerals according to the needs of your little one. But of course, dishes that are fresher and cooked by yourself are better than instant food.
  3. Can coconut milk be added to the MPASI menu as a source of fat? Apart from being a calorie requirement, fat is also a nutrient needed for the development of the little one's brain. Coconut milk can be added as a source of fat that can be added to the MPASI menu. Coconut milk can be introduced from the beginning of solids.
  4. How do you know if your child is allergic to a food? To find out if a baby is allergic to a food, try giving the same menu for 3–5 days. because allergies usually do not appear after just one meal. Of course, you should also consult with the doctor first.
  5. Is it true that textured foods can only be given to children who already have teeth? Giving texture when complementary foods has steps, beginning with soft textures and gradually becoming rougher, until the baby reaches the age of one year and can consume family food that is on the table. Even though the baby doesn't have teeth, it doesn't matter if the texture of the food is rough. The baby will still be able to chew with his gums.


GTM (Shut Up Movement) is not uncommon in parents who are confused about their babies. Well, Friends of Hermina can try the following tips so that giving MPASI goes smoothly: It is better to schedule the child's feeding. Also pay attention to the taste of the food and whether the baby is bored with the menu provided or if he has to increase the texture. Apart from that, we also have to see if the child is sick or has teeth growing. In addition, is the child distracted from the surrounding environment or is the child in a sleepy state? Don't make complementary feeding complicated and a burden on your mind. Friends of Hermina can use food ingredients at home.


Consult further with a pediatrician if you are still confused about the timing of giving complementary foods to babies. Hermina Ciputat Hospital has a pediatrician on staff who is knowledgeable and ready to answer any questions from mothers who are currently providing complementary foods. Friends of Hermina, cheer up and enjoy the time of giving MPASI!

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