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Healthy tips for extreme weather

Stay Healthy in Uncertain Weather
We are currently entering a transitional season which is considered extreme, where at any time when the weather is bright and the temperature is quite high, it can turn into heavy rain and the temperature drops drastically. This was exacerbated by prolonged rains which caused flooding at several points. These extreme weather changes not only have an impact on daily activities, but also have an impact on the health of our bodies. In such weather conditions, viruses and bacteria around us can grow and spread faster. The spread of disease occurs more easily even though the immune system is in top condition. Therefore, it is important for us to maintain our immune system so we are not susceptible to diseases that interfere with our health.
Diseases That Often Appear During Extreme Weather Changes
1. Dengue fever
Dengue fever often occurs because of the lack of public awareness in protecting the surrounding environment. Ignoring puddles around the house or not closing the water reservoirs around the house tightly. So that it becomes a place to grow Aides Aegypti larvae. Symptoms of dengue fever are generally in the form of high fever that goes down on the third day but will rise again, nausea, vomiting, headache, body aches and pains, and can be accompanied by the appearance of red spots on the skin, bleeding gums or nosebleeds.
2. Diarrhea
In the transition season, cases of this disease become high because of the large amount of dust and dirt that is scattered. This disease is closely related to food consumption patterns and food hygiene. Because this disease is generally caused by germs or viruses that usually contaminate food and drinks. Symptoms can be liquid defecation that is repeated, the stomach feels twisted, can be accompanied by vomiting that causes the patient's body to become weak due to dehydration.
3. ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection)
This disease is most susceptible to attack in the transition season. The most common and most experienced symptoms are fever, cough and runny nose. This marks a decrease in the body's resistance due to unstable weather changes so that viruses and germs that are abundant in the air are easy to attack the immune system.


Tips for Maintaining Stamina to Stay Fit in Extreme Weather
1. Diligent consumption of fruits and vegetables. Foods that are rich in antioxidants, namely vegetables and fruits, are important to support the immune system. The content of antioxidants can counteract free radicals in the body so that it can suppress damage in cells and support your body's immune system. Vegetables can help increase the production of compounds to regulate your immune system.
2. Consumption of protein. It is important for your body to consume protein, because consuming adequate amounts of protein for the body can help repair and boost the immune system.
3. Doing sports. Regular exercise can control and regulate T cells, which are a type of white blood cell that functions to maintain the body's immunity to disease or infection and can help boost your immune system. In the results of research studies it was found that people who regularly exercise with moderate intensity portions such as brisk walking on a regular basis are believed to help reduce the risk of getting an influenza or flu attack by 50%. For that take 30 minutes to exercise a day.
4. Control stress. Stress can affect your immune system, even if you fall into the category of acute or chronic stress, this will have a bad impact on your immune system, because prolonged acute stress can lower your immune system and make you more susceptible to disease. Therefore, control your stress so that your immune system stays good and stays healthy.
5. Maintain cleanliness. Maintaining personal hygiene is important for immunity. By maintaining personal hygiene, for example by only washing your hands, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, just washing your hands means that you are keeping your hands clean, which is a good way to prevent various diseases. In addition, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and maintain cleanliness such as eating and drinking hygienically, as well as maintaining a clean environment.
6. Get enough rest. Adequate rest can maintain our health and endurance from various diseases, because adequate rest can help optimize the immune function of your body so that your immune system will increase. In addition, rest can also control stress, heart, mind and problems for a moment.
7. Take supplements. Taking supplements or multivitamins can help maintain your immune system, because taking supplements can meet the needs of vitamins and minerals needed by the body all day and can maintain body functions and endurance.
8. Drink lots of water. This is very often forgotten and underestimated by many people. Water is beneficial for health, especially in maintaining body balance, helping to remove toxins and increasing energy. So don't forget to prepare mineral water while on the move during extreme weather changes.
Hopefully the following tips are useful and can increase self-awareness to maintain health, especially during extreme changes in the transition season.

Consult your friends' health with Hermina

To make it easier to access services and registration at Hermina Padang Hospital, here's how:

1. Download the mobile application on Playstore PT Medika Loka Hermina TBK (available for android)

2. Call center 1500488

