ibuhamil, kesehatan keluarga

Tips for Pregnant Women Who Travel Home

Friends of Hermina, soon all Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Fitr. This means that we will enter the moment of going home to our hometown to gather with relatives. What about pregnant women?

If pregnant women want to travel back and forth, it means that they will travel quite far. It is recommended that pregnant women who are the safest to travel back and forth are pregnant women with a gestational age between 14 and 28 weeks because of the possibility of an emergency occurring under 14 weeks or above 28 weeks. However, if pregnant women have conditions such as preeclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy), rupture of the membranes, or bleeding from the birth canal, it is advisable not to travel far. In addition, it is also necessary to ensure that the condition of the mother and baby makes them fit to travel long distances.

For the mode of transportation used:
Air: Pregnant women whose gestational age is over 31 weeks are not allowed to travel by airplane for airlines in Indonesia. Although a pregnancy over 31 weeks of age is allowed if you have a letter from a doctor, it is still not recommended because pregnancies over 36 weeks are at risk of becoming emergencies.
Land: If pregnant women choose land transportation, they need to calculate and ascertain how many hours it will take. Apart from that, you also have to pay attention to places or facilities to stop at if an emergency occurs during your trip.

Is it necessary to consult with a specialist before going on a trip back and forth?
Ideally, yes, especially since the last control distance and the homecoming date are quite far away. Because it is very important to know that the condition of the mother and baby is healthy enough to travel long distances.

What should be done if pregnant women experience signs of danger in the middle of their homecoming trip?
What can be anticipated is a land trip. For road trips, it is very important to plan a place to stop over if you experience an emergency, and besides that, it is important to know what emergency conditions are likely to occur at the age and state of pregnancy after consulting a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. So that you know what to do if these warning signs occur and where to go.

Tips for pregnant women so that pregnant women are healthy, safe, and comfortable on their homecoming trip
Make sure the condition of the baby and mother is healthy by consulting an obstetrician before going on a homecoming trip.
For land trips, if the trip exceeds 4 hours, you should think about a place or point to rest that can be used to stretch your legs. Apart from that, it also ensures the place to go in case of an emergency or immediate delivery.
