Trust Issues in Relationships: How to Rebuild Trust According to Psychologists

Trust Issues in Relationships: How to Rebuild Trust According to Psychologists


Trust is the fundamental foundation of any healthy and happy relationship. However, trust issues can undermine even the strongest relationships. Trust issues can arise from various sources, including past experiences, betrayal, or a lack of effective communication. In this article, we will discuss how to rebuild trust in a relationship from a psychologist's perspective.

Causes of Trust Issues

Trust issues in relationships often stem from several factors:

  1. Experiences of Betrayal: Past experiences such as infidelity or lying can make it difficult for someone to trust their partner.

  2. Past Trauma: Trauma from previous relationships or negative childhood experiences can affect one's ability to trust others.

  3. Lack of Communication: Poor communication or a lack of openness in a relationship can lead to misunderstandings and mistrust.

  4. Insecurity: A lack of self-confidence or feelings of insecurity can make someone more prone to trust issues.

Steps to Rebuild Trust

Rebuilding trust after trust issues arise requires time, effort, and commitment from both parties. Here are some steps recommended by psychologists:

  • Open and Honest Communication

Communication is the key to rebuilding trust. Partners need to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings, concerns, and expectations. Avoiding secrets and being transparent can help restore broken trust.

  • Forgiveness and Letting Go

The process of forgiveness is crucial in rebuilding trust. Although difficult, it is important to learn to forgive your partner for past mistakes. After forgiving, avoid bringing up past mistakes in every argument.

  • Consistency in Actions

Trust is built through consistent actions. Partners need to show through concrete actions that they can be trusted. This includes keeping promises, acting with integrity, and showing commitment in the relationship.

  • Building Emotional Openness

Building emotional openness means being willing to share your deepest feelings and thoughts with your partner. This creates a stronger bond and makes partners feel closer and more trusted.

  • Taking Responsibility

When there is a breach of trust, it is important to take responsibility for the mistake. Acknowledging the mistake and showing genuine remorse is the first step to restoring trust.

  • Seeking Therapy or Counseling

Sometimes, trust issues may be too heavy to handle alone. Attending therapy or couples counseling with the help of a psychologist can provide professional support and guidance in rebuilding trust in the relationship.

Why Is Trust Important?

Trust is the key element that allows relationships to grow and endure in the long term. Trust creates a sense of security, respect, and strong emotional attachment. Without trust, relationships tend to experience recurring conflicts and ongoing feelings of insecurity.


Trust issues in relationships are a serious challenge, but they are not insurmountable. With open communication, a willingness to forgive, consistency in actions, and professional help if needed, trust can be rebuilt. Remember that rebuilding trust requires time and effort from both parties. With commitment and hard work, the relationship can become stronger and more harmonious than before. If Hermina's friends have troubling trust issues, consult with a psychologist at Hermina Podomoro Hospital.



1. Johnson, S. M. (2004). *The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: Creating Connection*. Routledge.

2. Gottman, J. M., & Silver, N. (2012). *What Makes Love Last?: How to Build Trust and Avoid Betrayal*. Simon & Schuster.

3. Levine, A., & Heller, R. (2010). *Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find – and Keep – Love*. TarcherPerigee.

4. American Psychological Association. (2020). *Trust in Relationships*. Retrieved from [](

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