
Can you get hypertension at a young age? Let's look at the causal factors

Hypertension can be detected through regular blood pressure checks. Hypertension is known to often strike in old age, because the risk of hypertension increases with age. However, in reality, currently it is possible that hypertension cases can attack young people. 

Understanding Hypertension 

Hypertension or what is commonly known as high blood pressure is a condition where blood pressure is above the normal limit (130/80 mmHg) or more. This condition can cause various kinds of dangerous health complications if not treated immediately.

Causes of Hypertension at a Young Age

The following are some of the causes of hypertension at a young age, including: 

    Family History (Hereditary Factors)

Genetics or hereditary factors are risk factors for hypertension that cannot be changed. At a young age, this is very likely to happen if you have parents who suffer from hypertension. Moreover, this is accompanied by unhealthy eating patterns and lifestyles. 

    Excessive Salt Consumption 

Salt or sodium is one of the foods that causes high blood pressure at a young age. In some people, consuming too much salt can make high blood pressure much worse. Excess salt levels in the body can disrupt fluid balance. The entry of fluid into the cells will reduce the diameter of the arteries so that the heart has to pump blood more forcefully, which results in increased blood pressure. 

    Lack of Exercise 

Lack of activity and exercise can influence the occurrence of hypertension at a young age. If someone rarely does exercise, it can reduce blood vessel health over time.
Smoking habit

Young smokers are more susceptible to experiencing obstacles to the clean blood supply in the arteries to the brain. The nicotine content in cigarettes can injure blood vessel walls and inhibit heart performance

    Overweight (Obesity)

Obesity can cause metabolic disorders in the body, one of which is triggering blood vessel disorders and sodium retention in the body.


When you have a lot of thoughts (stress), the hormones in the body will change. Stress also has the potential to be a threat to other body organs such as fat in the body. 

    Alcohol Consumption 

Consuming alcohol can damage blood vessels throughout the body, such as the arteries to the head, which causes hypertension at a young age and will result in an increase in blood pressure. 

If you have complaints about hypertension or want to have regular consultations and health checks, you can consult and check with a specialist internal medicine doctor to get further treatment. Healthy greetings

Reference :
Kids Health. Diakses pada 2022. Hypertension (High Blood Pressure).

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. (2018). Pedoman Pengendalian Hipertensi.

American Heart Association. (2017). High Blood Pressure and Hypertension.


