paru-paru, covid-19, ayah dan ibu

The New Variant of Corona Virus "B117" Is Dangerous.?

Results From Mutations
Viruses can easily mutate in order to adapt. Viral mutations occur
if there is a change in the genetic sequence. This creates variety and drives evolution
viruses, including the corona virus.
Corona B117 is a mutated form of the Covid-19 virus. In total there are 23 types of mutations from
this virus and will continue to grow. The B117 corona virus first appeared on
England in September 2020.
According to WHO, there have been 60 countries that have been affected by the Corona B117 outbreak,
including Indonesia


B117 immune to vaccines?

The B117 corona virus has stronger characteristics than Covid-19. The ability to breed is even faster. this is evidenced by the speed with which this virus spreads. Is this virus resistant to vaccines? The results of the study, this variant did not significantly influence the efficacy of the vaccine. For that, the public does not need to worry excessively about this new variant.



Symptoms Similar to COVID-19.?

This new variant has caused a number of new symptoms in infected patients. In a study conducted in the UK, someone who is infected with Covid-19 will experience symptoms within 2-14 days. The following are the latest symptoms of COVID-19 and the characteristics of exposed people that need to be watched out, quoted from the Times of India:

1. Fever

According to the latest ONS data, around 19 percent of COVID-19 patients report having a fever because of the original variant of the Corona virus. However, 22 percent of patients were associated with the new variant of the virus.

2. Cough

As many as 35 percent of patients experience cough symptoms after being infected with a new variant of COVID-19. On the other hand, there were only 28 percent of patients who experienced cough symptoms due to the original virus variant.

3. Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is a common symptom that is often experienced by patients infected with COVID-19. This symptom is often experienced by people infected with the original virus variant and also the new Corona variant.

4. Muscle Pain

As many as 21 percent of patients infected with the Corona virus experience muscle pain. In the new COVID-19 variant, it is known that there are 24 patients who also experienced the same thing.
5. Loss of Sense of Smell and Taste

According to the data, there are around 18-19 percent of patients infected with the original strain of Corona who complain of losing their sense of smell and taste, while in the new Corona variant, as many as 15 percent of patients who complain of experiencing loss of their sense of taste.

6. Headache

Headache was another symptom that was also experienced by the patients who were involved in the study.

7. Throat pain

In patients infected with the new variant of Corona, 22 percent of patients experience symptoms of sore throat. Meanwhile, only 19 percent of patients were infected with the original strain of Corona.

8. Gastrointesnial symptoms

The study conducted by the ONS also stated that there was no difference in the percentage of gastrointestinal symptoms experienced by patients infected with the two groups of Corona variants. Meanwhile, according to the United Kingdom NHS and Express, in addition to the 8 symptoms above, there are several other symptoms of this new variant of Corona, namely diarrhea, conjunctivitis (red eyes), rashes on the skin, discoloration of the fingers and toes, fatigue. , runny nose, and vomiting



The application of health protocols is an important key to preventing the spread of COVID-19. This method can be started from discipline in the house, especially if one of the family members is active outside the home. The awareness and role of all family members to protect each other by implementing protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is very important. Stick to health protocols by doing 3M!

