Women Must Know the Importance of Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases suffered by women throughout the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in both developed and developing countries. Early detection of breast cancer has a crucial role in influencing the prognosis and survival of affected women.
The incidence of breast cancer continues to increase throughout the world. Influencing factors such as:
- Unhealthy lifestyle
- Exposure to hazardous substances
- Age Addition
- Genetic factors can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
Although it cannot be completely avoided, early detection can provide a better chance of treatment and recovery.
Symptoms of breast cancer include:
- Breast Texture Changes to Lumps (Painful, Painless)
- Discharge from Nipples
- Armpit Lumps
- Breast Color Changes
- Nipple Shape Changes
- Bleeding or breast sores that don't heal (scabs)
Medical technology continues to develop to support early detection of breast cancer. Digital mammography, ultrasonography, and breast MRI are some of the technologies used to detect breast abnormalities. However, previously you could detect it yourself at home using the BSE method. The BSE method is a self-examination procedure by looking at and feeling your own breasts to detect any changes in the breasts.
Breast cancer treatment has 4 stages such as:
- Stage I via BCT (Breast Conserving Therapy)
- Stage II through MRM Surgery, Chemotherapy, Targeted therapy and hormones
- Stage III A is through Surgery, Chemotherapy, and Radiation while III B & C is through Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Surgery.
- Stage IV through Hormone Therapy, Chemotherapy, and Palliative Care
Early detection of breast cancer is very important so that treatment can be carried out more quickly. However, if Hermina's friend has experienced this, you can consult a general surgery specialist. At Hermina Purwokerto Hospital there are general surgeons available.
Access to registration can be done in the following 4 ways:
1. Download the mobile application on Playstore (Type Halo Hermina)
2. Call Call Center 1500488
3. Via website -> www.herminahospitals.com
4. Via the Halodoc application