Beware of the Dangers and Recognize the Causes of Breast Lumps

Beware of the Dangers and Recognize the Causes of Breast Lumps

Lumps, or breast tumors, are one of the diseases that cause the most deaths in women. A breast tumor, by definition, is an abnormal lump that grows out of place, namely in the breast.

Causes of breast tumors

The cause of breast cancer itself is multifactorial; what we can assess is the risk factor. We can divide the risk factors for breast tumors into two categories: factors that can be modified and factors that cannot be modified. The risk factor for breast tumors that cannot be modified is gender; women are more at risk of developing breast tumors than men, although it does not rule out the possibility that men can also experience breast tumors. In addition, the risk factors that cannot be modified are age and race. While the risk factors for breast tumors that can be modified are lifestyles such as excess body weight, diet, and the habit of rarely exercising,

Lumps in the breast are often associated with malignancy or cancer, even though not all lumps in the breast are malignancy or cancer. Lumps in the breast are benign, and some are malignant. Benign breast lumps grow slowly and usually have the shape of a lump that can be moved. On the contrary, a malignant lump grows faster, and the shape of the lump is hard and cannot be moved.

Breast lumps that need to be watched out for or suspected of being malignant
1. Growing up fast
2. Persistent pain occurs.
3. Over time, there are changes in the shape of the breast, such as the surface of the breast 4. skin, which is like an orange peel.
5. Red discharge from the nipples
6. Ulcers on the breast where there is a lump

If Hermina's friend finds a lump in the breast, don't panic too much and immediately go to the health facility to have it checked to see whether this is really a lump or not. Usually, the doctor will carry out supporting examinations such as ultrasound or mammography to be able to make the right diagnosis and carry out appropriate and fast treatment. So that cancer complications that are likely to arise can be avoided.

An anatomical pathology examination or biopsy is needed to determine whether this type of breast lump is a malignancy or not. Tissue samples from the lump were taken and further examined in the laboratory at the anatomical pathology laboratory. But there are still many people who are afraid to take this examination. Whereas if it is done earlier, the diagnosis and treatment will be carried out more quickly and precisely, so that the chances of recovery are higher.

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