Beware of Burnout Syndrome in Workers
Hello Hermina Friends, Stress can occur anywhere, including in the work environment. If left alone, this condition can worsen and cause a person to experience a more severe mental condition, namely depression. Not only that, mental disorders that are left untreated can also increase the risk of various physical health problems. Work load that cannot be managed well can increase the risk of stress which can lead to depression. Depression at work can cause work productivity to decrease, and employees can experience a decrease in enthusiasm for work. Work can be very tiring and take up all your time and energy. As a result, stress is inevitable. Not just ordinary stress, pressure due to work can actually bring about a health problem called Burnout Syndrome. So, what is Burnout Syndrome?
Burnout Syndrome is a stress condition related to work. That is why this health condition is also known as occupational burnout or job burnout. This condition is characterized by: 1.physical fatigue 2.Emotional Exhaustion 3. Attitude/mental fatigue 4. Feelings of low self-esteem related to work (a kind of loss of pride, interest and passion). Prolonged stress due to work problems can also occur, when you feel overwhelmed by orders from your boss that keep coming, but you are unable to fulfill them.
Burnout Symptoms The symptoms that appear will usually vary from person to person. This is influenced by the level of stress experienced and what triggers it. In general, there are several symptoms and signs that someone may experience depression at work, including -Always feel tired -Headache Heart beat -Pain and tension in the muscles of the body -Decreased appetite. -Sleep disturbance. -Stomach ache or digestive problems.
Bornout symptoms can not only affect a person's physical condition but can also affect psychology, including the following: -Not confident -Feeling that no one is helping and being stuck at work -Decreased productivity Not enthusiastic and always arrives late -Anxious, easily discouraged, pessimistic -Easy to forget -Difficulty concentrating -Avoid interaction and withdrawal from the office environment -Loss of interest -Lost sense of pride in work
Depression at work also causes sufferers to lose interest in work, so they often appear to have no motivation, receive incorrect information, and often take time off. There are many factors that can cause this condition, one of which is that work demands are too heavy. Depression at work can also be caused by a work environment that is less than comfortable.
Preventing Work-Induced Burnout Syndrome Thinking about resigning or quitting a job that you don't like and looking for a new job that is more enjoyable is indeed a very tempting option, in order not to continue suffering from Job Burnout. However, in reality, finding your dream job is not that easy. If that's the case, changing your mindset and perspective is the most likely way to prevent work-related Burnout Syndrome. Several ways you can prevent work stress include:
1. Look for the positive side in work Even if work doesn't make you happy, focus on what you like. For example, if a job is difficult, we will be happy to see that other departments are helped by what we do. In fact, something as simple as having fun work friends in the midst of a bad work and work environment can be a positive thing. 2. Make friends with coworkers Sometimes, friends in the work environment can be stressful because daily work is reduced. That is why, it is also important to build close relationships with fellow colleagues. Making friends with coworkers will make it easier for us to chat and joke with each other. This can also help you reduce stress so you don't fall into burnout syndrome. 3. Maintain a balance in life Try to rediscover ourselves from the surrounding environment, such as family and friends. The people closest to us definitely still really appreciate our presence in their midst. We can also find a hobby or look for other activities that make us happy. 4. Take advantage of time off If burnout is unavoidable, try taking a short break from your work routine. Try taking time off for a vacation to divert your attention for a moment from the busyness that is imprisoning you. Use your time off to "recharge" your energy and refresh your mind.
To help manage stress and avoid depression in the work environment, always adopt a healthy lifestyle, and if you are stuck with bornout syndrome, you can consult with a specialist in mental medicine at Hermina Mekarsari Hospital.