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Beware of the Impact of Smoking on Lung Health

Hermina's friends are certainly familiar with cigarettes. Cigarettes are processed tobacco products including cigars or other forms. Here are the types of cigarettes :

- Filter cigarettes / kretek

- Cigars

- Shisha (Arabic cigarettes)

- Pipes / cangklongs

- Electronic cigarettes / vapor


The dangerous content in a cigarette is 4000 types of chemical compounds, 400 dangerous substances, 43 substances that cause cancer (carcinogenic). Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the poisonous gases that reduces oxygen levels in the blood, so that it can reduce concentration and cause dangerous diseases. Then TAR is a dangerous substance that causes cancer (carcinogenic) and various other diseases, and also nicotine is a dangerous substance that causes addiction.


The impacts caused by electronic cigarettes are :
- Propylene glycol, which irritates the lungs and eyes, respiratory tract disorders such as asthma, shortness of breath, pulmonary obstruction.
- Nicotine, which is an addictive effect that triggers depression, dizziness, trembling, shortness of breath, permanent lung damage, lung cancer, narrowing of blood vessels, and death.
- Perisadiacetyl, which is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


Then, how do cigarettes create addiction or dependence? Cigarette smoke contains nicotine which affects brain function, then nicotine will bind to receptors in the brain, brain receptors will release dopamine (a substance that gives a sense of comfort), if a smoker stops smoking, nicotine withdrawal symptoms will occur, and to maintain a sense of comfort/eliminate nicotine withdrawal symptoms, the urge to smoke again arises.


Here are 3 tips to quit smoking, namely quitting immediately, delaying/postponing the habit of smoking, and reducing the number of cigarettes smoked each day.

The therapies for quitting smoking are:
1. Pharmacotherapy: nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) bupropion varenicline
2. Non-Pharmacotherapy: counseling self-help brief advice behavioral therapy & additional therapy


Then how to prevent addiction to nicotine? Hermina's friends can do 4M, namely Doing something that is healthy for the body and soul, for example by exercising, gardening, writing or painting, Delaying the desire to smoke, Drinking water slowly, and Taking deep breaths.


Quitting smoking can have many benefits, including the following:
- Improved respiratory tract cilia and lung function. Shortness of breath and coughing are reduced.
- The risk of coronary heart disease is halved.
- The risk of stroke is reduced to the same level as someone who has never smoked.
- The risk of lung cancer is halved.


If Sahabat Hermina wants to consult a lung specialist regarding the above conditions, immediately contact the following number 0821-3552-2454.


Reference Source:
- https://sehatnegeriku.kemkes.go.id/baca/blog/20240118/0444801/who-merokok penyebab-utama-penyakit-paru-kronis/
- https://ayosehat.kemkes.go.id/dampak-buruk-rokok-bagi-perokok-aktif-dan-pasif



