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Beware of Dengue Fever, Recognize the Symptoms

Hello friend Hermina Bitung, as of March 1 2024, there were nearly 16,000 cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DBD) in 213 Regencies/Cities in Indonesia with 124 deaths. The most dengue fever cases recorded occurred in Tangerang, West Bandung, Kendari City, Subang and Lebak. This situation is expected to continue until April along with the rainy season after El Nino.

Dengue fever is one of the fastest spreading diseases transmitted by mosquitoes. Especially during the rainy season, the World Health Organization (WHO) generally calls for action to minimize disease and death due to dengue fever.

Cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) actually fluctuate, but during the rainy season, the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) generally increases. In the rainy season, the Aedes aegypti population will increase because unhatched eggs will hatch when their breeding habitat begins to be flooded with rainwater. As a result, this can increase the mosquito population which can lead to increased transmission of dengue hemorrhagic fever.

So Friends of Hermina Bitung, we also have to know the characteristics of dengue fever, so that Friends of Hermina Bitung are always alert, here are the characteristics of dengue fever:

1. High fever

The most common characteristic of dengue fever is a sudden change in temperature which can reach 40°C. Fever can last up to 3-7 days, but body temperature will usually drop on the 4th or 5th day, then rise again the next day.

2. Rash on the skin

Apart from high fever, a red rash on the skin can also appear on the face, neck and chest. Generally, the rash appears after fever and lasts for 1-5 days. Usually red spots.

3. Headache

Another characteristic of dengue fever that appears is headache, especially around the forehead and behind the eyes. Headaches usually feel so severe that it makes it difficult for the sufferer to carry out activities.

4. Muscle pain

Apart from headaches, dengue fever sufferers also often feel pain in the muscles, bones and joints, causing discomfort.

5. Nausea and vomiting

Another characteristic of dengue fever is nausea or vomiting. This complaint often makes sufferers unable to eat and drink, making them vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies, and even at risk of experiencing complications in the form of dehydration.

Even though dengue fever can be cured, Hermina's friends need to be aware of the possible complications of dengue shock or the medical term Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS) which can lead to death. The following are signs of Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS), namely:

• persistent vomiting

• severe abdominal pain

• feet and hands (acral) pale,

• cold and damp

• weak pulse,

• lethargy, restlessness,

• bleeding,

• the amount of urine decreases

If symptoms of dengue fever occur, you can immediately consult Hermina Bitung Hospital by a specialist in Internal Medicine, Dr. Mellisa, SpPD

Dr. practice schedule Mellisa, SpPD

Healthy greetings, Hermina Bitung Hospital

