diabetes, toilet, malam, makanan

Diabetes should be avoided if you frequently urinate at night.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease or disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. Usually, this condition causes sufferers to experience several organ disorders. If not treated immediately, this disease can endanger the lives of sufferers.

Launching from Healthline, diabetes mellitus occurs due to high blood sugar levels accompanied by disturbances in carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism as a result of insufficiency of other functions. In addition, glucose that accumulates in the blood due to not being properly absorbed by body cells can trigger various organ disorders.

In general, diabetes mellitus is characterized by several symptoms, such as easy thirst, frequent urination at night, and easy hunger. In addition, under certain conditions, sufferers will also experience itching, tingling, healing skin wounds, and increasingly blurred vision.


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is indeed a disease that cannot be cured, but can be controlled so that sufferers can lead a normal life. These controls include dietary adjustments (diet), exercise, and medication for blood sugar checks.

1. Meal arrangements
Meal management or diet in DM sufferers is basically the same as food management in general, namely by considering the amount of calorie needs and balanced nutrition.

2. Sports
Sports or physical exercise should be done regularly, namely 3-5 times a week for approximately 30 minutes with no more than 2 consecutive days of exercise. Daily activities or daily activities are not included in sports
although it is recommended to always be active every day.
3. Treatment
Treatment for DM sufferers is given in addition to dietary arrangements as well
exercise has not been able to control blood sugar. Treatment here is in the form of medication
oral hyperglycemia (OHO) or insulin injections. The dosage of treatment is determined by the doctor.

4. Blood sugar check
Blood sugar checks are used to monitor blood sugar levels. Examinations carried out include checking fasting blood sugar levels and glucose 2 hours after eating which aims to determine the success of therapy.

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by high blood sugar levels. Diabetes treatment, both oral medication and insulin injections, aims to control the increase in blood sugar. If blood sugar levels are not controlled, various complications will occur, both short term (acute) and long term (chronic).


1. American Diabetes Association. 2010. Diagnosis and Classfication of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes care, 33 (SUPPL.1)
2. Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Infodatin Pusat Data dan Informasi Kementerian Kesehatan RI Hari Diabetes Sedunia. 2018
3. WHO. Global Report on Diabetes.France: World Health Organization. 2016.
