ayah dan ibu, lansia

Be alert, don't underestimate the symptoms of a stroke!

A stroke is a medical emergency because without a supply of oxygen and nutrients, the cells in the affected part of the brain can die in just a matter of minutes. As a result, the body parts controlled by these brain areas cannot function properly.

Definition of stroke

Stroke is a symptom of a deficit of nerve function caused by cerebrovascular disease, not by other causes (WHO). Impaired nerve function in stroke is caused by non-traumatic cerebral blood circulation disorders. These nerve disorders cause symptoms including: facial paralysis or limbs, speech is not fluent, speech is not clear (pelo), changes in consciousness, visual disturbances, and others.

Stroke is the number one cause of disability and the second cause of death in the world after ischemic heart disease in both developed and developing countries.

Causes of stroke

In general, stroke can be divided into 2 types, namely hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke. The difference between the two is that a hemorrhagic stroke occurs due to a ruptured blood vessel in the brain, whereas an ischemic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked. Narrowing or rupturing of these blood vessels can occur due to several factors, such as:

1. High blood pressure
One of the most common causes of stroke is high blood pressure or hypertension. Blood pressure that is too high can cause the arteries that carry blood and oxygen to burst or become blocked, causing a stroke.

2. High cholesterol
High cholesterol conditions can also be a cause of stroke. The reason is, cholesterol can cause plaque buildup on the walls of blood vessels and trigger atherosclerosis. If left unchecked, this condition can lead to blockages that end up being a stroke.

3. Diabetes
In addition to high cholesterol levels, diabetes. can also cause a stroke. High blood sugar levels in the body can damage the walls of blood vessels. Damaged blood vessels can cause blood clots and form blockages, so the chances of a stroke increase.

4. Brain aneurysm
Brain aneurysm is one of the causes of hemorrhagic stroke. The walls of blood vessels that have aneurysms will become weak and fragile, so they break easily. This condition can lead to a stroke.

5. Arrhythmia
The next cause of stroke is arrhythmia or heart rhythm disturbances. Arrhythmias cause irregular blood flow into and out of the heart. This makes the blood prone to clotting and forming blockages in blood vessels.

If these clots are carried in the bloodstream to the brain, blockages in the blood vessels of the brain can arise and trigger a stroke. In addition to the factors above, stroke can also occur as a result of certain medical habits or conditions, such as smoking, obesity, severe head injuries, heart disease, and others.


Stroke symptoms and prevention

Stroke treatment can be done by providing appropriate treatment and as soon as possible since a stroke occurs. Therefore, it is important to recognize the early symptoms of stroke. The Indonesian Ministry of Health introduces the early symptoms of stroke to the public with the slogan "URGENTLY TO the hospital" which means:

  1. Asymmetrical smile
  2. The motion of half of the limbs suddenly weakened
  3. Speaks or suddenly can't speak
  4. Half body tingling
  5. Myopic or sudden blurry vision in one eye
  6. Sudden severe headache and impaired balance function

In addition to recognizing the symptoms, Friends of Hermina must also understand how to prevent stroke, which is known as "CERDIK". Some steps that can be taken include:

  • Regular health check
  • Get rid of cigarette smoke
  • Do physical activity
  • Balanced diet
  • Enough rest
  • Manage stress

Stroke at a young age can be prevented by regular exercise, a healthy diet, monitoring blood pressure, and stopping an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drugs, and alcohol). If the symptoms of stroke continue, you should immediately discuss a consultation with a neurologist at RSU Hermina Pandanaran.


