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Pregnancy is the thing most awaited by married couples. But not a few couples who have difficulty having children due to repeated miscarriages.
Hermina's friend, miscarriage is one of the complications of pregnancy that can occur during pregnancy. Therefore, every pregnant woman must do her best to keep the womb healthy. However, there is also the possibility that the mother may experience repeated miscarriages. What are the causes, and how to prevent recurrent miscarriage? Let's see the explanation
Miscarriage or also called spontaneous abortion is a condition when the termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is sufficiently developed to survive, usually occurs before 20 weeks of gestation.
Causes of Miscarriage
Most people think that miscarriage is caused by overactivity, but that's just a myth. The causes of miscarriage include:
Chromosomal abnormalities
The most common cause of miscarriage is that the fetus does not develop as expected due to chromosomal abnormalities.
About 60 percent of miscarriages are associated with an excess or deficiency of chromosomes. These chromosomal problems are mostly autosomal trisomy, monosomy X and triploidy
Mother's health condition
In some cases, maternal health conditions can lead to miscarriage. As for a number of conditions that increase the risk of miscarriage are metabolic disorders; obesity, thyroid disorders and hypothyroidism

A person's lifestyle greatly affects conditions during pregnancy, as for the things that affect them: smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, drinking coffee and high stress.
How to Minimize the Risk of Miscarriage
Miscarriage is not what most mothers who are expecting their baby want.
However, Friends of Hermina can do prevention by maintaining pregnancy through a healthy lifestyle. Good prenatal care can help both mother and baby stay healthy during pregnancy.
Mothers can perform prenatal care to minimize the risk of miscarriage by:
Regularly check with the doctor
Implement a healthy lifestyle; balanced nutrition keep weight, sleep enough, avoid stress, avoid drugs and exercise regularly
The doctor will do blood tests, ultrasound, give strengthening drugs including:
- progestogens such as didrogesterone
- human chorionic gonadotropin
- uterine relaxation
bed rest
Repeated miscarriages may make you feel hopeless. However, do not be discouraged, because women who experience repeated miscarriages can still have healthy pregnancies and deliver babies safely.
So, consult a gynecologist to find out the causes and ways to prevent miscarriage, so that your pregnancy condition can remain healthy and awake.

