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Be Alert! Recognize the Symptoms of Bone Cancer!

Hello Hermina Friends, one type of cancer that is classified as dangerous but is rarely detected early is bone cancer. Bone cancer, which has common symptoms such as pain in the bones and joints, often makes sufferers misinterpret the disease. Bone pain in children and adolescents is often thought of as a side effect of growing bones. However, in adults, bone pain is often mistaken for a symptom of osteoarthritis. Bone cancer is divided into two areas, namely primary and secondary bone cancer. Called primary bone cancer when cancer occurs and develops directly in the bone. Secondary bone cancer, on the other hand, is cancer from another part of the body that has spread to the bone. This disease can affect any bone in the body, but mostly occurs in the bones of the legs and arms.


Symptoms of Bone Cancer

The following are the three main signs and symptoms of bone cancer, namely:

  • Pain. A person with bone cancer feels pain in the area of the affected bone, and the pain increases with movement. Pain is usually felt continuously at night.
  • Swelling. The area around the damaged bone will experience swelling and redness. When the bones swell near the joints, movement becomes difficult and limited. 
  • Brittle bones Bone cancer causes bones to weaken or become brittle. Although difficult, a minor fall or even a minor injury can break a bone.


There are also several other symptoms, such as numbness and tingling when the spinal cancer presses on the nerves; lumps form in the bones; the body feels tired; there is weight loss; and there is a fever above 38°C and sweating. especially at night.


Causes of Bone Cancer

Experts aren't sure what causes bone cancer. However, they found an association between bone cancer and other factors. Here are some factors that increase the risk of bone cancer:

  1. Genetics

Scientists have studied how certain changes occur in DNA. Genetics can be a cause of bone cancer. Genes that normally help cells grow, divide, or stay alive can sometimes turn out to be "poisons." That is, if someone has certain DNA, they are destined for cancer.

  1. The effect of radiotherapy

Some people use radiation therapy to treat certain types of cancer. Unfortunately, there are side effects that are felt, including cancer spreading to the bones. National Health Service introduction, if you have a history of radiation therapy, you have a high risk of developing bone cancer.

  1. Paget's disease

Paget's disease is caused by a viral infection, the symptoms of which become evident slowly. These viral infections include respiratory problems and measles. It is known that those who experience this condition can get cancer in the bones. Even though it's rare, it doesn't rule out the possibility for them to experience it.

  1. Li-Fraumen syndrome

Known for its rare genetics, this is the Li-Fraumeni syndrome. A person with this condition has faulty genetics. In certain cases, it can trigger the growth of cancer cells in bones in various areas of the body.

  1. Family ancestry

Some cases of bone cancer occur because the disease runs in families. If there are family members who have experienced it, it is very likely that we will be affected too. Usually later, the doctor will do an examination to see how serious the cancer is.


In adults, the symptom of bone pain is sometimes mistaken for arthritis. In children and adolescents, it is sometimes thought of as a side effect of growing bones. It is best to consult a doctor immediately if Hermina's friend continues to experience bone pain or if the pain gets worse.
