Beware of the Risk of Difficulty Having Children Due to Penile Cancer

Beware of the Risk of Difficulty Having Children Due to Penile Cancer

Penile cancer, also known as Penile Cancer, is a type of cancer that attacks men's intimate parts. Usually penile cancer appears in the area around the head of the penis or foreskin. The appearance can vary greatly, there are some that appear white and gray growing from the skin of the penis and others that appear flat, reddish in color. Usually penile cancer will grow slowly along the surface of the skin of the penis and sometimes cover the entire head of the penis before eventually spreading inside and to the shaft of the sufferer's penis.

This disease is usually experienced by men over 55 years old, suffering from infectious diseases, having an unhealthy lifestyle, not being circumcised or not keeping the foreskin of the penis clean, and suffering from phimosis, which is a condition where the foreskin is tightly attached to the head of the penis.
Symptoms that appear in penile cancer include discoloration of the skin of the penis or head of the penis, a crusty rash on the penis, lumps on the penis, unpleasant odor from the urethra, fatigue, pain in the stomach and bones.

Penile Cancer Treatment


  • Penile cancer treatment itself is usually adjusted to the location, stage of penile cancer and size. However, the most important thing is the patient's overall health and how likely it is that penile cancer will recur, which will also be taken into consideration.

  • The following treatment will be recommended by the doctor if penile cancer is still in the early stages:

  • Circumcision is carried out to treat penile cancer that is still in the foreskin

  • Laser therapy is used to kill cancer cells using heat

  • Tumor Removal Surgery, performed to remove the tumor from the penis

  • Radiotherapy is carried out to destroy cancer cells in the penis with high radiation rays

  • Topical medication containing Fluorouracil and Imiquidmod, used regularly

  • Cryotherapy is used to kill and freeze cancer cells with cold temperatures

  • Mohs surgery is performed to remove layers of skin affected by cancer to reach healthy tissue

  • Chemotherapy is done by administering drugs to kill cancer cells

Penile Cancer Prevention

Until now the cause of penile cancer is still not known for certain, so it is difficult to prevent it from occurring. However, there are several ways that are recommended and can be done to reduce the risk of developing penile cancer, including:


  • Vaccinate against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

  • Always keep your panis clean by using anti-perfume soap

  • Carrying out circumcision, consider the many benefits

  • When having sex, use a condom

  • Avoid the sexual habit of changing partners

  • Always clean the foreskin if it has not been circumcised

  • Stop smoking

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