Beware of High Risks for Pregnant Women

Beware of High Risks for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is something very special and awaited by married couples who want a baby, but pregnancy also has several risks that can affect health. Although many pregnancies go smoothly, some pregnant women face high risks that require special medical attention. A high-risk pregnancy is a condition where the pregnant mother or her fetus has the potential to experience higher complications than a normal pregnancy. Therefore, mothers need to know the risks to ensure the health of the mother and fetus during pregnancy.

Pregnancies that have a greater risk of occurring:

  1. Complications.
  2. Death of baby/mother.
  3. Giving birth to a disabled baby.

Then, things that can happen if you have a high risk of pregnancy include:

  • The baby was born not yet full term (premature).
  • Babies born with low birth weight (LBW)
  • Miscarriage (abortion).
  • Labor is not smooth / obstructed.
  • Bleeding before and after delivery.
  • The fetus dies in the womb.
  • Pregnant/postpartum mother dies.
  • Pregnancy poisoning/convulsions.

Factors that influence the high risk of pregnancy.

  1. Maternal age at pregnancy <20 years or >35 years
  2. More than 4 children (too many children/too many births)
  3. The distance between the last birth and the current pregnancy is less than two years (too close a pregnancy distance) or more than 10 years (too long)
  4. Height less than 145 cm
  5. Mothers who are too thin (weight less than 33 kg/upper arm circumference less than 23.5 cm) or too fat (obese)
  6. Abnormal shape of the mother's pelvis (too narrow)
  7. Miscarriages often occur before
  8. There were difficulties in the previous pregnancy/delivery
  9. Pregnant women with comorbidities (for example: diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, etc.)
  10. Maternal habits (smoking, alcohol and drugs)
  11. Viral infections before/during pregnancy

Signs and dangers of high-risk pregnancy.

  • Bleeding.
  • Swelling in the feet, hands, or face accompanied by headaches and seizures
  • Fever/high fever
  • Premature discharge of amniotic fluid
  • The baby's movement in the womb is reduced or does not move
  • Mother keeps vomiting and doesn't want to eat

High-risk pregnancies require more intensive medical attention. More frequent monitoring, more careful care, and careful management of risk factors are important to minimize the risk of complications and ensure a successful, healthy birth for both mother and baby. For Hermina friends who are experiencing or are experiencing high-risk pregnancy, you can immediately consult regularly with a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology at Hermina Hospital, Purwokerto.

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