ayah dan ibu, lansia

Beware of Heart Attacks, Diseases That Know No Age!

The world of Indonesian music is grieving again! One of the vocalists of the Kahitna band, Carlo Saba breathed his last at the age of 54. It is suspected that the cause was due to a heart attack he had experienced.

Often the symptoms are not recognized, a heart attack can be fatal to health conditions and can even cause death. A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is reduced or even blocked. This blockage is usually triggered by a buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances in the heart arteries. Heart attack is also known as myocardial infarction. If this happens, the patient must immediately require treatment as soon as possible to avoid events that have fatal effects that can lead to death
Heart attack is also called myocardial infarction. If this happens, the patient must immediately require treatment as soon as possible to avoid events that have fatal effects that can lead to death.

The symptoms that often arise but are often ignored by some people who experience them, include:

    Chest pain that feels like pressure, shortness of breath, pain like a squeezing feeling
    Pain or discomfort that radiates to the shoulders, arms, back, neck or usually occurs in the upper abdomen
    Often feel tired
    Nausea and vomiting
    Hard to breathe
    Frequent headaches and sudden dizziness

Some cases of heart attack occur suddenly. There are still many people who experience signs and symptoms for hours, days to weeks but are often ignored and not aware that there is a problem with their health.

Heart attacks can also be triggered by several risk factors, including:

    Age factor

The existence of increasing age can trigger a heart attack. Even more so if you live an unhealthy lifestyle and often neglect regular rest

    There is a family history of heart disease

If there is one family member who has a history of heart disease, the potential for heart disease will also be greater.


Obesity is one of the causes of heart attacks. Excess weight will cause the blood vessels in the heart area to not run smoothly and can even get clogged with fat


When a person experiences stress, the body will release the hormone cortisol which results in the stiffness of a person's blood vessels.

    Unhealthy lifestyle.

Lack of activity and exercise Lack of exercise, smoking, and various activities that are bad for health can also trigger a person to develop heart disease. Some cases of heart attack occur suddenly. There are still many people who experience signs and symptoms for hours, days to weeks but are often ignored and not aware that there is a problem with their health.

If you experience any of the symptoms of a heart attack, immediately consult a cardiologist and blood vessel specialist at Hermina Makassar Hospital. Do an echocardiography investigation to find out the health condition of your heart and get treatment according to your complaint. Greetings healthy

