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Beware of Heart Attacks, the Silent Killer Who Doesn't Look at Age!

Heart attacks strike at any time and regardless of age. However, this is often ignored by young people. A heart attack is an acute or sudden blockage in the coronary blood vessels, which usually begins with the formation of a crust in the blood vessels. When the heart and blood vessels cannot work as they should, this may be caused by bad habits that are continuously adopted at a young age. The heart is an organ that never stops working to pump blood throughout the body. Heart attacks are generally caused by plaque buildup due to fat, cholesterol or other substances in the arteries. The things that often result are heart attacks and strokes. What are the causes of heart attacks at a young age?

    1. Smoking

        This condition is included in 3 risk factors and is the cause of death in a third of sufferers. Inhaling cigarettes means you have introduced many chemicals into your body, one of which is carbon monoxide. If continuously inhaled, carbon monoxide can reduce the amount of oxygen in red blood cells. This content also increases the risk of cholesterol buildup in the arteries which causes heart attacks.

   2. Consuming unhealthy food

       One of the causes of heart attacks at a young age is the habit of consuming unhealthy foods. Fast food is popular among young people because it tastes good and is easy to get. This is one of the habits that can trigger heart attacks. Good nutrition can help reduce the risk of heart disease

   3. Sedentary Lifestyle

       A sedentary lifestyle or lack of physical activity causes heart attacks at a young age. Too busy all day sitting in front of a laptop or lying down too often at home has a high risk of having a heart attack at a young age. One of the causes of heart attacks at a young age is the habit of consuming unhealthy foods. Fast food is popular among young people because it tastes good and is easy to get. This is one of the habits that can trigger heart attacks. Good nutrition can help reduce the risk of heart disease
4. Sedentary Lifestyle

       If you often experience stress, this can increase blood pressure and put a lot of pressure on the heart and arteries. If left to continue, it can cause permanent damage to the heart. To overcome this, you can start by doing lots of things or activities that you enjoy.

   5. Consuming too much alcohol

       The impact of consuming too much alcohol is increased blood pressure which leads to damage to the heart and arteries. While you are still young, it is best to avoid this and start implementing a healthy lifestyle slowly.

We cannot change or delay the arrival of a disease in our body, but this can be prevented in several ways, including:

   1. Consume healthy food

        Choosing the right food is one way to prevent heart attacks at a young age. Consuming fruit and vegetables and foods high in omega 3 content, such as fish, are foods that are recommended for maintaining heart health.

   2. Stop smoking

        Cigarettes have many bad effects on health. By starting to stop smoking, you can reduce the risk of heart attacks at a young age. So, come on, stop smoking!

   3. Actively move and exercise

        Exercise such as walking, running or swimming can be the right choice to help maintain healthy heart muscles.

   4. Conduct regular routine checks

        What is no less important is to regularly carry out regular health checks to find out and detect early if the body is experiencing health problems so that quick and appropriate treatment can be given.

Don't hesitate to have yourself checked and have a consultation to obtain a quick and accurate diagnosis and treatment. Healthy Greetings

