Beware of Stroke Go to Hospital Immediately

Beware of Stroke Go to Hospital Immediately

Hello friend Hermina, the risk factors for stroke have increased, stroke is synonymous with the disease of the elderly. However, currently there are strokes in people of productive age, this can occur as a result of poor lifestyle, high cholesterol, diabetes and uncontrolled high blood pressure.

Stroke Symptoms

So, Friends of Hermina, apart from knowing the factors, we also have to recognize the symptoms of stroke, a person can experience various kinds of impacts ranging from physical disability to death. The following are some of the symptoms of stroke which are often referred to as "Going to the Hospital Immediately":

1. Se

The main symptom or characteristic that people often experience before having a stroke is an asymmetrical smile. An asymmetrical smile means a person smiles only on one side. Symptoms of an asymmetrical smile make a person tend to choke frequently and have difficulty drinking.

2. Ge

Stroke is synonymous with paralysis in certain parts of the body or even in its entirety. Gestures or sudden weakening of body movements are a sign of an impending stroke. People whose bodies suddenly weaken usually tend to feel limp and find it difficult to move.

3. Ra

Slurred speech/suddenly can't speak/can't understand words/speaks incoherently. Stroke sufferers usually have sudden difficulty speaking or the words they say are not clear, people call this symptom slurred.

4. To

Numbness in the body is also one of the common stroke symptoms experienced by sufferers. Not only numbness, stroke sufferers will experience symptoms such as half of the body feeling tingling, making it difficult to control and move.

5. R

Myopia in the eyes that occurs suddenly can also be a sign of a stroke. This symptom needs to be checked further to determine whether it is normal nearsightedness or a sign of a stroke.

6. S

Severe headaches that have never been experienced before can also be a sign of a stroke. Dizziness as a symptom of stroke is accompanied by tremors and unsteadiness. This symptom is triggered by a balance disorder in the body so that it feels spinning and movements are difficult to coordinate.

If you experience a stroke, you can consult the Hermina Bitung Hospital with a Neurologist, Dr. Erlindah Emawati, SpN


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