kebidanan dan kandungan, diabetes melitus, diabetes melitus pada kehamilan

Beware of Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy

Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy or in the medical world known as Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (DMG) is an increase in insulin resistance in normal pregnancy (pregnant women fail to maintain euglycemia). This condition occurs due to impaired glucose tolerance that occurs during pregnancy. However, this condition usually disappears after delivery.

The cause of gestational diabetes is not known with certainty. The increased amount of this hormone causes the body to have difficulty processing blood sugar. Thus resulting in increased blood sugar levels and causing gestational diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (DMG) Risk Factors:
-History of giving birth to a baby weighing > 4 kg
-Mother's body weight exceeds normal (obesity)
-History of hypertension or preeclampsia
-The age of pregnant women is more than 30 years
-History of diabetes mellitus in the family
-In a previous pregnancy there was a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (DMG)

-Suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Risks to Mother:
-The risk of having a Caesarean birth due to a large baby.
-Preeclampsia (raised blood pressure in pregnancy)
-Polyhydramnios (large amount of amniotic fluid)
-Most women who suffer from gestational diabetes mellitus (DMG), probably after 5-10 years will suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Risks to the baby:

Yellow baby
Babies born prematurely  may experience respiratory distress syndrome  (a condition that makes it difficult to breathe).
Excessive birth weight. Babies grow too big, so they are more likely to get stuck in the birth canal and suffer birth injuries.
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) after birth. In infants with a period of severe hypoglycemia it can cause seizures.
Increases the risk of obesity in infants and can eventually suffer from type 2 diabetes mellitus.
How to Prevent DMG:

Consume healthy food. Choose foods that are high in fiber and low in fat and calories (fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Keep exercising before and during pregnancy.
When planning a pregnancy, manage your weight beforehand for a healthier pregnancy.
Follow the control schedule with the Obgyn Specialist doctor.
If you have 1 or more risk factors for gestational diabetes, it's best to get checked out immediately.
During pregnancy and after birth Gestational diabetes mellitus GDM can cause problems for both mother and baby. However, this risk can be prevented if this condition is detected early in pregnancy and handled by an Obgyn Specialist.
