Getting to Know Diabetes Mellitus

Getting to Know Diabetes Mellitus

In general, diabetes mellitus is called diabetes or diabetes. In his explanation diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease in which a person's blood sugar levels become high because the sugar in the blood cannot be used by the body.

The following causes of diabetes mellitus, which include:
- Lack of Insulin Amount
- The body does not respond well to insulin, because it receives too much sugar intake in excessive amounts continuously (insulin resistance)

What is meant by insulin is:
- Hormones produced by the pancreas
- Serves to lower blood sugar levels, by entering sugar into cells
- Affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins

You need to know about the symptoms of diabetes mellitus:
1. Easily sleepy
2. Easy to feel thirsty
3. Easy to feel hungry
4. Skin feels itchy
5. Vision becomes blurred
6. Wounds will be difficult to heal
7. Weight loss drastically
8. Frequent urination (BAK)

Friends of Hermina "The risk of Type 2 Diabetes in obese people is 6x higher"
Generation of obesity threatens Indonesia at the age of:
>15 years = 13.9% (Male) , 23.8% (Female)
6-14 years = 9.5% (Male) , 6.4% (Female)

The cause of obesity can be due to genetic factors, lazy to exercise, and consuming too much fast food. Then the danger of obesity itself can cause stroke, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. But Friends of Hermina need to know, that 80% of diabetes complications can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and controlled blood sugar.

The 5 pillars of diabetes, namely:
1. Education
Expand your horizons continuously. It's not enough just to stop consuming sugar. Know the precautions
2. Meal Planning
The diabetes-style diet is carried out by maintaining the 3J:
- Proper meal schedule
- The right amount of intake
- Types of food according to the measure
3. Check Blood Sugar
Monitor blood sugar levels independently and HbA1C every 1-3 months in the laboratory
4. Physical Activity
A person with diabetes must be active in sports such as swimming, jogging, cycling, yoga, etc., regularly. Consult with your doctor first about the right exercise for you
5. Drugs
Discipline in taking drugs or insulin to keep blood sugar under control

Friends of Hermina Solo, want to consult or have complaints with an Internal Medicine Specialist. For further information, please contact our admin 0821-3552-2454.

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