gigi spesialistik

Be Wary of Mouth Cancer

Oral cancer is cancer that grows and develops in the mouth. For example, on the lips, tongue, gums, mouth walls, and roof of the mouth. This cancer can spread directly to the tissues around the mouth or through the lymph. Oral cancer symptoms tend to be difficult to recognize because they are often similar to indications of other diseases. Like cancer in general, oral cancer is rarely symptomatic at an early stage so it is difficult to detect.

The lack of knowledge about early symptoms makes mouth cancer detected when it enters an advanced stage. In addition, many sufferers do not know what action to take. Many also do not know that you should discuss it with the right doctor, because the signs of oral cancer are not so well known. Even so, Hermina Friends need to be vigilant if they experience signs such as:

  • Sore mouth ulcers that won't go away in a few weeks.
  • Thrush that is bleeding.
  • Red or white patches in the mouth.
  • A lump or thickening on the wall in the mouth that won't go away.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck that don't heal.
  • Pain in the mouth, especially the tongue.
  • Difficulty or pain while chewing.
  • Loose teeth for no apparent reason.
  • Changes in voice or speech (for example, slurred).
  • Having trouble speaking.
  • Swelling of all five lymph nodes in the neck.
  • Stiff or sore jaw.
  • Sore throat
Causes and Risk Factors for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is caused by abnormal changes or mutations in the development of cells in the mouth or lips. The cause of this mutation is not certain. However, there are several factors that cannot be trusted in the emergence of this disease. Among others are:

  1. Smoke
  2. Drinking alcohol.
  3. Have HPV infection ().
  4. Oral hygiene is not maintained, for example allowing cavities or gums to become infected.
  5. Decreased immune system.
  6. Family history of oral cancer or other types of cancer
  7. Stress

Simple steps to reduce the risk or inhibit the development of Oral cancer, namely:

  • Do not smoke.
  • Avoid drinking.
  • Apply a healthy and balanced diet, especially by increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits.
  • Maintain oral hygiene, for example brushing your teeth diligently.
  • Checking dental health regularly

Symptoms of oral cancer tend to be difficult to recognize because they are often similar to indications for other diseases. Stay alert, Hermina Friends, and immediately consult a doctor if these symptoms won't go away for more than 3 weeks.
