Beware of Obesity in Children

Beware of Obesity in Children

Hermina's friend, Having healthy and intelligent children is the hope of all parents. Many laypeople say that fat children are definitely healthy, even though fat children are not necessarily always healthy. Obesity in children is a condition characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Obesity (overweight) in children can actually increase the risk of developing metabolic diseases such as diabetes later in life. Therefore, it is important for parents to monitor their child's weight regularly and have a health check-up with a doctor if there is an imbalance between the child's weight and age or height.
Characteristics of obesity in children:

1. Round face: chubby cheeks and double shoulders
2. Double chin (double chin)
3. The neck looks shorter
4. Distended stomach, visible folds of fat on the stomach, chest and back
5. Thighs and stomach look fatter and folded
6. Fat folds on the skin, especially on the stomach, waist, chin, cheeks and neck
7. The two inner groins stick together and rub together
8. In boys, the chest is bulging and the breasts are slightly enlarged and the penis is smaller because it is covered by fat deposits
9. In girls, puberty comes earlier, namely less than 9 years. The potential for obesity in children and adolescents is very high if parents are less aware of their children's health.
We as parents need to recognize the various risk factors and complications of obesity in children, including:

1. Lifestyle Unhealthy eating patterns (excessive calories, unbalanced nutrition, lack of fiber) and an inactive lifestyle can trigger obesity. Foods that are thought to cause obesity in children are junk food or fast food, foods that contain saturated fat and high sugar content as well as modern drinks, most of which contain high sugar content.
2. Genetic Factors: Children who come from families with a history of obesity are more at risk of becoming obese. 3. Psychological Factors Stress and depression can trigger obesity in children and adolescents. This is because a depressed mental condition can encourage children to make the habit of eating a lot as an escape so that their calorie intake becomes excessive. Recommendations for a balanced diet to prevent obesity: 1. Increase adequate fiber intake by cultivating consumption of vegetables and fruit. 2. Get into the habit of drinking enough water
3. Reduce your intake of foods made from animal products that are high in saturated fat such as beef and mutton and increase foods made from fish and nuts (tempeh and tofu)
4. Reduce your intake of sweet food sources and drinks that contain high amounts of sugar
5. Reduce your intake of ultra-processed foods, such as nuggets, sausages, meatballs, potato chips, etc.
How to prevent obesity in children:

1. Eat regularly with a balanced diet
2. Always get into the habit of having a healthy breakfast
3. Make it a habit to bring healthy food and water from home
4. Limit ready-to-eat and ultra-processed foods, and sweet, salty and fatty snacks.
5. Avoid fizzy drinks and drinks with high sugar content.
6. Cultivate the consumption of fruit and vegetables
7. Limit children's time playing on cellphones, computers and watching TV.
8. Increase children's physical activity, for example by doing sports together, such as cycling, playing basketball, badminton, etc.
9. Make sure your child gets enough sleep
10. Be a good role model for children
11. Instill health education from an early age so that children can understand the importance of maintaining health and avoiding unhealthy foods. Complications of Obesity in Children. If left unchecked, obesity can endanger children and teenagers because it can cause a number of complications.
The following are complications of obesity in children.

1. Heart and Blood Vessel Disease Obesity in children and teenagers can cause fat to build up in the blood vessels, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke
2. Diabetes, Kidney and Stroke Disease Obesity will cause chronic inflammation which has an impact on reducing the insulin sensitivity of the body's cells, so that sugar cannot be used by the cells and remains in the blood vessels, causing an increase in blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels will cause diabetes and damage to the kidneys, small blood vessels in the brain and heart which can lead to brain and heart problems that can cause stroke.
3. Muscle and Bone Problems Excess weight can put excessive pressure on the joints and bones that support the body, causing joint inflammation and bone fractures.
4. Respiratory problems Asthma is more common in obese children.
5. Psychological Disorders: The appearance of obese children and teenagers is usually stigmatized and discriminated against by the surrounding environment. This condition can make children and teenagers feel insecure, which can lead to eating disorders, anxiety and even depression. Our role as parents in monitoring children's development is very important, especially in carrying out early prevention and implementing parenting patterns that are closely related to children's health. Monitoring children's growth and development and encouraging children to start healthy living habits from an early age, especially implementing a balanced diet and increasing physical activity, are obesity prevention efforts that must be considered. Immediately consult a specialist if there are symptoms of obesity in your beloved child.

Healthy Greetings


Source :

1. dr. Retno Saraswati, Sp.A
2. Indanah, Sukesih, Fairuzzah, & Khoiriyah. (2021). Obesity in toddlers. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Science, 12(2), 242–248.
3. Molintao, W. P., Sulaeman, S., & Purwanti, N. H. (2019). The relationship between maternal competence, physical activity and consumption of junk food with the incidence of obesity in toddlers. Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)



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