Beware of Low Back Pain disease that attacks young people
Modern life has made lifestyle changes, especially among young people such as Gen Z and millennials. Unhealthy lifestyles and lack of exercise have become commonplace and cause the threat of disease from the back to the waist or known as Low Back Pain, which has shifted to young people, no longer parents. Lifestyle and sitting too much while working in front of the screen make a person experience complaints of pain. The complaints caused vary, such as pain in the waist, not being able to move freely, muscle tension, dizziness and tingling. What is Low Back Pain? Low back pain is pain that is felt in the lower back area, between the corners of the lowest ribs and the tailbone. Pain can be local (local) or spread along the leg past the knee to the toe. Causes of Low Back Pain? The cause of lower back pain can occur due to disorders/problems in one or more of the components that make up the vertebral spine, namely the body of the bones (corpus vertebrae), the bearing of the bones (intervertebral discs), the tissue that connects the bones (ligaments), the central nerves that extend from the brain (spinal cord). ), nerve roots, joints and muscles and skin tissue. The spine functions to maintain the body's upright position, support body weight, function as body movement and protect body tissues. In general, the causes of lower back pain are:
Congenital abnormalities, such as spina bifida where one or more segments of the lumbar and sacral bones are not fused. It can also occur in people with an abnormal shape of the spine (kyphosis, lordosis or scoliosis) which over time will cause lower back pain. Aging (degenerative) process. As a result of the aging process, there can be thinning of the discs / segments between the bones and the release of disc material which is called a hernia of the nucleus pulposus (HNP). Apart from that, the friction between the bones over a long period of time results in the formation of calcification (spondylosis). The fragility of the bone structure and its supporting tissue results in a shift in the bone structure (spondylolisthesis). Trauma. For example, it occurs in people who fall from a height or jump from a considerable distance, resulting in a fracture of the vertebrae. In older adults with osteoporosis (reduced bone density), even a minor injury can result in vertebral fractures. Mechanical disorders (work factors) and habits. This is the most common cause of lower back pain. Sudden movements of the spine can cause tension in the muscles which can result in pain. Incorrect sitting and lying positions for long periods of time result in pain in the spine. Working at high vibrations is prone to lower back pain. The habit of lifting heavy weights can result in injury to the lower back. Inflammation and infection, such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tuberculous spondylitis. Tumor. Tumors of the vertebrae and spinal cord give complaints of low back pain that persists and gets worse at night. Risk Factors for Low Back Pain? Age. As you get older, lower back pain more frequent (degeneration process) Fitness level. Often occurs in people who rarely exercise, where there is weakness in the back muscles Foods high in fat and carbohydrates which result in obesity thus increasing the burden on the back The smoking habit can result in disruption of the food supply to the intervertebral discs. Work factors and habits such as lifting heavy loads, incorrect sleeping and sitting habits, working with high vibration exposure
How is First Aid for Low Back Pain? It is best to immediately see a neurologist to find out the cause of the pain. The neurologist will carry out a direct physical examination and, if necessary, other supporting examinations for indications such as: Plain x-rays (x-rays) to see abnormalities in the bones. An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) examination is needed to assess nerve structure. Nerve function examination can be carried out using electroneuromyography (ENMG). Laboratory examination for special conditions such as infection or inflammatory processes. Recommended Sports for Low Back Pain Sufferers? Swimming Apart from stretching regularly, Hermina's friends can try swimming regularly. Swimming helps improve blood flow throughout the body, including to the back, making it suitable for those who have spinal pain and want to recover and increase their strength. When swimming, your back doesn't need to work hard to support your body, because the water will replace its job. Bicycle Even though cycling in a certain position actually causes the risk of lower back injury, cycling in a certain position is beneficial for sufferers of low back pain because it is an aerobic activity, the cycling position affects the load on the spine so it is recommended to use a position with a straighter spinal posture so as to reduce the incidence of back injuries due to bicycle.
Tips for Overcoming Low Back Pain? It is important in everyday life to pay attention to ergonomic positions when working, for example the sitting position. If you work in a sitting position for longer, more than 2 hours, alternate it with light stretches on your back. Immediately consult a neurologist to get the right treatment. Some low back pain sufferers feel discomfort and pain that interferes with activities. If Hermina's friends feel these symptoms and things. You need to see a Neurologist Specialist at Hermina Hospital Bekasi for proper treatment. Download the Halo Hermina App to make an appointment with specialist doctors at Hermina Bekasi Hospital.