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Be Wary of Head Injury's Fatal Risks

A head injury, or what we know as a concussion, is a head injury that affects brain function. In addition to impact and shock to the head, concussions generally occur due to strong shocks to the upper body.


The following are some of the most common types of head injuries and are caused by serious physical injuries.

  • Concussion or concussion is a type of head injury that is often caused by a blow to a blunt objec, is usually accompanied by memory problems.
  • Known as "brush or contusion," this type of head injury causes bruising and swelling of the brain.
  • Brain hemorrhage or hematoma is a serious injury because it can cause you to lose consciousness or suffer permanent brain damage due to excessive pressure on the brain.
  • Fracture of the skull. Your strong skull can also crack due to a very strong impact.


Concussion in children needs special handling.

Children with head injuries should receive adult supervision for the first 24 hours after the accident. This is necessary because children, especially toddlers, are not necessarily able to communicate how they feel, so any changes in behavior need to be monitored further. Other symptoms to watch out for are vomiting, slurring, visual disturbances, and seizures.

What are the Characteristics of People Affected by a Concussion?

  • Faded/unconscious for some time.
  • It feels like being in the middle of the fog.
  • Ear ringing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • dizzy and dizzy eyes 
  • Headache
  • Way of speaking that becomes less clear.
  • Fatigue
  • Disturbance in body balance
  • Dazed and unable to respond immediately when questioned


Preventing Head Injuries

  • To avoid risks, it is very important to prevent head injuries in the following ways.
  • Wear a helmet whenever riding a motorcycle, cycling, wearing roller skates, or other similar activities.
  • Wear safety equipment during risky sports and recreation, such as white water rafting and flying fox.
  • When driving a car, always wear a seat belt.
  • Create a safe haven for children and the elderly.
  • Regular exercise can help strengthen the body's muscles and balance the body.
  • Always read and comply with standard safety instructions everywhere, whether on a trip, in a recreation area, or in other public places.


Recovery in cases of head injury is strongly influenced by the severity of the head injury experienced. The heavier it is, the longer it will take to recover.

Don't forget to consult with Hermina's doctor for the right treatment according to your health condition.
