Let's Overcome Constipation with Foods to Facilitate Defecation

Let's Overcome Constipation with Foods to Facilitate Defecation

Constipation can be caused by several things, from not drinking enough, having a bad diet, to not being active. However, the dietary factor plays a big role in this. If allowed to drag on, constipation can cause health problems that are very disturbing. To prevent it, constipation needs to be controlled with a consistent healthy lifestyle, especially by consuming foods that facilitate bowel movements.

The following are some types of high-fiber foods that are effective for treating constipation:

1. Green vegetables
Green vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage and broccoli, are high-fiber foods that are good for you to consume when constipated.

2. Apples

3. Kiwi fruit

Eating two kiwis daily for 2 weeks may result in faster bowel movements and looser stools.

4. Whole grain bread

If you buy packaged bread, make sure to choose one that is labeled 100% whole grain.

5. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain a lot of insoluble fiber in the form of cellulose and lignin. These two types of fiber can help bowel movement by increasing stool volume so that they are useful for smoothing bowel movements for people with constipation.

6. Kefir

7. Chia seeds

Chia seed will turn into a gel which can soften the stool and make it easier for the stool to move along the large intestine until it leaves the body.

8. Nuts

Some types of nuts that are good for consumption to promote bowel movements are almonds, peanuts, and canary nuts

9. Seaweed

10. Oats

Oats are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. These four ingredients can increase good bacteria in the intestine to launch bowel movements


Apart from those mentioned above, there are also several other bowel-friendly foods that are good to eat to treat constipation, starting from flaxseeds, citrus fruits, pears, berries, potatoes, to soybeans. Generally, with changes to a healthier and nutritionally balanced diet, the process of defecation also feels easy and smooth

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