Come on, Moms and Dads, protect our children from Cyberbullying

Come on, Moms and Dads, protect our children from Cyberbullying

Friends of Hermina Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs through social media, text messages, emails, or other online platforms. In fact, the use of social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and others is often a place where cyberbullying occurs. Cyberbullies use technology to hurt, degrade, or intimidate victims online. This can take the form of abusive messages, spreading false information, threats, or digital harassment.


Some signs of cyberbullying that often occur in children and teenagers include looking gloomy, appearing more silent and communicating less, and not being enthusiastic. Apart from changes in behavior, sometimes children and teenagers who experience cyberbullying also experience symptoms of psychosomatic disorders.


The signs of cyberbullying are difficult to detect, but it is important to recognize the symptoms. Some signs to look out for include :
- Change in online behavior: If your child suddenly stops using social media or a particular online platform
- Fear or anxiety when using technology: If your child feels afraid or anxious when using a cell phone or the internet, it could be an indication that they are facing stress online.
- Changes in mood and behavior: Children who are victims of cyberbullying may experience drastic changes in mood, such as becoming more angry, anxious, or sad.
- Decrease in school performance: Cyberbullying can divert a child's attention from studies and result in a decrease in school performance.


So, how can children avoid cyberbullying? And most importantly, how can parents protect their children from cyberbullying?

Following are tips for protecting children from cyberbullying. There are several steps that Friends of Hermina can take :

- Teaching online ethics: Teach children how to behave ethically and well in the digital world, including not spreading hate messages or committing online harassment.
- Supervise your child's online activities: Monitor your child's online activities, but do so by understanding and respecting their privacy.
- Encourage open communication: Encourage children to talk about their online experiences and give them a sense of security to share if they experience cyberbullying.
- Reporting cases of cyberbullying: Teach children how to report cases of cyberbullying to you or the authorities.

In the digital era, it is important for parents and educators to understand the threat of cyberbullying and provide the necessary protection to children. So to overcome this, if father and mother are still having difficulty helping their child, they can consult a psychologist at Hermina Hospital so that they can get the right treatment according to the child's condition.

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