anak, ayan dan ibu, lansiasehat

Come on, get to know your balanced nutrition plate menu

What is HEALTHY is a state of complete physical, mental, social well-being, not only free from disease or weakness/disability.

What is FITNESS is being able to carry out daily activities and more than that without feeling excessively tired.

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Always pay attention to the food intake that you consume every day, try to consume food with balanced nutrition because, every cell in the body is made of what we eat. What we eat reflects the health of our bodies. In addition to the intake of what we eat, diligent exercise and positive thinking can make you stand stronger.

What is Balanced Nutrition is a daily food arrangement that contains nutrients in the type and amount according to the body's needs; taking into account the principles of diversity in food, hygiene, physical activity, and normal weight.

The fact is that Indonesians consume oil and fat 22% higher than the ideal. Consumption of vegetable side dishes is 21% lower than recommended, 95.5% of Indonesians do not meet their needs for vegetables and fruit (WHO recommendation: 5 servings or 400 grams per day).

Come on, get to know your balanced nutrition plate menu:

Water: Plays a role in moving nutrients to the cells and organs of the body

Side dishes: Contains MACRON NUTRITION (protein and fat) which play a role in growth, hormones, and other health functions

Vegetables and Fruits: Contains MICRONUTRIZATION (vitamins, minerals), PHYTONUTRIES, and FIBER to help the metabolic process and maintain the body's immunity

Staple Foods: Contain MACRONUTRIZATION (carbohydrates) as the body's energy source

Micronutrients or micronutrients are essential elements needed by humans in varying amounts throughout life to regulate various physiology to maintain health. The micronutrients needed by the body include:

Carbohydrates are nutrients that function as a source of energy for the body. This energy source is the main food for the brain. Therefore, a lack of carbohydrates can actually trigger health problems, so you cannot avoid them.
"Increase the consumption of complex carbohydrates compared to simple carbohydrates"

Protein plays a major role in making up almost all parts of our body, such as muscles and bones, lungs, skin and hair. Not only that, protein is also responsible for maintaining and replacing damaged body tissues.

Fat is the greatest source of energy and every gram of fat contains 9 calories. The calories produced by fat are greater than carbohydrates and protein. Calories themselves can function as fuel for the body to move.

The following is the importance of how to maintain and apply a healthy lifestyle that we can do to keep the body so that it can continue to move as it should. If you want to consult about determining the right diet, health problems related to nutrition and nutrition in the body, you should immediately do an examination at the hospital. You can make an appointment at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital with a Nutrition Specialist
