Let's Find Out, Can Toothache Be Pulled?

Let's Find Out, Can Toothache Be Pulled?

Hermina's friend has a damaged tooth that you want to pull out immediately but it still hurts often? It is not uncommon for people who suffer from toothache to think about pulling their tooth as a solution. Can a sore tooth be pulled? Read the full explanation in the following article!

Toothache can occur due to various conditions, ranging from sensitive teeth, cavities, to infections or bad habits. Although very disturbing, this condition cannot be treated carelessly, let alone pulling it out. The doctor will first determine the cause of the toothache, then provide appropriate treatment, including filling or pulling the tooth. Tooth extraction is the last action taken if the tooth can no longer be maintained. Usually the remaining teeth have experienced repeated infections and can be a source of new infections. For example, there are remaining lower molar roots that if left for a long time and not pulled out can cause infection or abscesses.

Can a Sore Tooth Be Pulled?
Teeth should be maintained as much as possible. This is because teeth play an important role in the digestive process, especially for chewing. Maintaining the presence of teeth is also important to support better communication. Another reason why a sore tooth should not be pulled is related to some side effects that may occur after the procedure, such as pain that lasts for a long time, dry socket, and inflammation. So, before pulling out a sore tooth, the dentist will first consider several things, including the patient's condition.


Conditions of Teeth That Must Be Extracted Immediately

However, there are conditions in which cases of toothache can still be extracted. The following are some conditions of teeth that must be extracted immediately:

  1. Teeth that are seen on x-rays to have an infection that is limited to the root tip area.
  2. Teeth that are very loose, so that they interfere with the patient and are painful when chewing food.
  3. Teeth that have acute infections and are painful when examined by pressure. This extraction can prevent further infection and prevent inappropriate administration of antibiotics to patients.

However, the dentist's decision to still extract a patient's tooth that is sick needs to be based on a deep understanding of the patient's dental diagnosis and general history. In addition, it is best to complete a supporting examination in the form of a panoramic examination to help establish the diagnosis. This is important so that the teeth and surrounding tissue can be seen clearly.

Patients need to be referred immediately to a dentist who specializes in oral surgery to get the right treatment and prevent more severe conditions if they experience these conditions:
1. Infection that spreads quickly and progressively.
2. Difficulty breathing and swallowing.
3. Infection involving spaces around the face.
4. High fever.
5. Difficulty opening the mouth (less than 1 cm).

Therefore, if you, Hermina Friends, experience a toothache, especially one that does not go away within 3 days even after taking painkillers, see a dentist immediately. The doctor will examine the condition of the tooth and find out the source of the cause. If there is a cavity, a filling will be performed. However, if the cavity has reached the nerve, dental nerve treatment is needed to overcome it. That is an explanation of toothache and whether or not it can be removed. Consult your dental health at Hermina Pandanaran General Hospital which has general and specialist dental clinics.


Written & reviewed by: drg. Bima Baskara, Sp.BM



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