saraf, spesialis saraf, traumaticbraininjury

Let's Get to Know What is Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)?

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI), or what is known as diffuse axonal injury, is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). This injury is usually caused by trauma from a blunt object to the head. It affects brain function, causing communication disorders between nerves in the brain, which can lead to coma, physical and cognitive impairment, and death.

Tears of nerve fibers or axons can cause rapid displacement of the brain within the skull and cause nerve fibers to stretch and tear.

The axon itself is the long, thread-like part of the neuron that carries electrical impulses. Nerve fibers function for communication between nerve cells. Thus, damage to axons can interfere with the ability to communicate and help coordinate body functions, leading to severe disability.


Symptoms of Diffuse Axonal Injury

  • Experiencing confusion
  • Loss of balance
  • Feeling tired and excessively sleepy
  • Headache to nausea or vomiting
  • And have trouble sleeping



Prevention that can be done is taking steps to protect the head and brain by using a head protector when participating in sports and when riding a motorcycle, practicing fall prevention techniques, wearing a seat belt, and avoiding shocks from other people because the diffuse axonal injury is a type of traumatic brain injury.



  • Diffuse axonal treatment can cause cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure, so the first treatment often includes reduced swelling. Treatment includes oral medications and techniques to reduce swelling and fluid levels in the brain.
  • In Mild and moderate cases with a concussion, the patient's recovery process will initially include a period of rest followed by intensive rehabilitation.
  • In many cases, Diffuse axonal injury leads to death or vegetative. If the patient regains consciousness, rehabilitation will be needed to help recover the functional ability. The rehabilitation program will include a combination of speech, physical, and occupational therapy.


Therefore, diffuse axonal injury is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by blunt trauma to the head, which can cause disturbances in the nerves of the brain resulting in the tearing of the nerve fibers, which results in a rapid displacement of the brain in the skull. If a friend experiences these symptoms, immediately consult a neurologist for the proper treatment.
