Hermina Ciawi

Hermina Ciawi Hospital

Located in the rapidly developing Ciawi District, Bogor Regency, Hermina Ciawi Hospital began operations in 2023 with 4 floors and 100 beds.


A. Vision
Making RSU Hermina Ciawi a growing, healthy and leading hospital in its coverage area with superior maternal and child health services and able to compete in the era of globalization.

B. Mission
1. Make continuous efforts to improve the quality of service and patient safety
2. Provide education and training to employees so they are able to provide professional services.
3. Manage the hospital professionally, with high efficiency and effectiveness.
C. Motto
Prioritizing Service Quality and Patient Safety

KTK (Growth and Development Clinic)
Specialist Dental
PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)
ICU/NICU (Intensive Care Unit/Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
Perina Care
Dental X-Ray
Vascular Ultrasound
Obstetric 2D Ultrasound
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