Aditya Jayamanggala, Sp.OT

Aditya Jayamanggala, Sp.OT

 Surgery - (Bone Surgery)

 Hermina Bogor

dr. Aditya Jayamanggala, SpOT merupakan dokter spesialis Orthopedi dan Traumatologi yang bertugas di RS Hermina Bogor, dapat menangani cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal, mencakup tulang, sendi, tendon, otot, dan saraf. Pelayanan medis yang dapat diberikan antara lain: - Melakukan pemeriksaan tulang dan sendi - Memberikan pengobatan untuk penyakit tulang dan sendi seperti pengapuran sendi (osteoarthritis), radang/rematik sendi (rheumatoid arthritis), infeksi tulang belakang (TB Tulang), nyeri pinggang, saraf terjepit, kaki pengkor (clubfoot), tulang keropos (osteoporosis), dan sebagainya - Mengatasi cedera akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas dan kecelakaan kerja berupa patah tulang (fraktur), pergeseran sendi (dislokasi), crush injury, fingertip injury, dan lain-lain - Melakukan tindakan Damage Control Orthopaedic dan memberikan penanganan Orthopedic Emergency secara komprehensif - Merujuk ke pelayanan subspesialistik Orthopedi sesuai kebutuhan medis
ACL injury; Scary for Athletes - Is it Dangerous?

ACL injuries haunt many athletes. Indiscriminately, from amateur players to many professional athletes who experience this injury. This injury itself can cause a decrease in performance, and it is not uncommon for this complaint to push players to retire early from their profession. as happened ...

Knee Joint Pain? Let's Get to Know Total Knee Replacement (TKR)

Total knee replacement (TKR), also known as total knee arthroplasty, is an action procedure to replace the inflamed surface of the knee joint with a new joint (a prosthetic artificial knee joint). At TKR, the end of the femur will be removed and replaced with a metal shell, and the end of the ti...

Get to Know More about Osteoporosis

So far, osteoporosis has been synonymous with older people, but the fact is that osteoporosis can affect anyone, including at a young age. Osteoporosis itself is a degenerative disease. The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) revealed that 1 in 4 women with an age range of 50–80 years ha...

Kyphosis: A spinal disorder that is at risk of affecting the elderly

Talking about diseases that are risky and can attack the elderly, there are many types. One of them is a spinal disorder, which is generally referred to as Kyphosis. Even though it is at risk of attacking older adults, that doesn't mean it can't attack young people. This article will explain the...

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