Ajeng Indri Hastuti, M.Psi, Psikolog

Ajeng Indri Hastuti, M.Psi, Psikolog


 Hermina Galaxy

 Hermina Bekasi

merupakan psikolog RS Hermina Bekasi yang berfokus menangani kasus-kasus kejiwaan, mendiagnosis gejala psikologis pasien, dan melakukan psikoterapi sebagai bentuk penanganannya. Itu sebabnya, psikolog berkompeten untuk melakukan beberapa tes psikologi yang kemudian hasilnya diinterpretasikan sebagai jawaban dari masalah yang dialami oleh pasiennya. psikolog tidak bisa meresepkan obat-obatan, karena dalam menangani kasus kejiwaan mereka berfokus pada terapi psikososial untuk mengendalikan perilaku, pikiran, dan emosi pasien.
The Importance of Paying Attention to the Basic Aspects of Child Development

Children develop rapidly in the first five years of life. Lots of basic aspects are developing, such as physical, motor, language, cognitive, and social-emotional aspects. From the beginning of birth, the child's very rapid development can be seen in physical and motor development which includes...

Building Children's Social Skills during a Pandemic

During the pandemic, children are forced to study from home to avoid the spread of Covid-19. The various activities carried out also tend to use gadgets a lot or be done boldly, ranging from schools, courses, even worship that must be done bravely. The lack of time for children to be able to soc...

Succes in Building Children's Social Skills during a Pandemic

During the pandemic, children are forced to study from home to avoid the spread of Covid-19. The various activities carried out also tend to use gadgets a lot or be done boldly, ranging from schools, courses, even worship that must be done bravely. The lack of time for children to be able to soc...

The Importance of Paying Attention to the Basic Aspects of Child Development

Children develop rapidly in the first five years of life. Lots of basic aspects are developing, such as physical, motor, language, cognitive, and social-emotional aspects. From the beginning of birth, the child's very rapid development can be seen in physical and motor development which includes...

The Importance of Paying Attention to the Basic Aspects of Child Development

Children develop rapidly in the first five years of life. Lots of basic aspects are developing, such as physical, motor, language, cognitive, and social-emotional aspects. From the beginning of birth, the child's very rapid development can be seen in physical and motor development which includes...

Observe How Too Much Screen Time Affects Children

Screen Time is the time we spend looking at the screen, be it television, computers, phones, tablets or other electronic goods. However, what if the child has passed the effective screen time limit? The answer will be very dangerous. Because not all child development occurs due to familiari...

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