dr. Ari Sigit, SpOT(K)Spine adalah dokter RS Hermina Daan Mogot yang fokus memiliki keahlian khusus untuk menangani masalah kesehatan pada tulang belakang, baik itu dengan operasi maupun tanpa operasi. dr. Ari Sigit, SpOT(K)Spine dapat menangani pasien di segala usia, mulai dari bayi hingga orang lanjut usia (lansia). Kondisi medis yang dapat ditangani oleh dokter ortopedi ahli spine meliputi: Skiatika atau nyeri punggung bawah, cedera atau patah tulang belakang, tumor tulang belakang, infeksi tulang belakang, hernia nukleus pulposus (HNP), spondylolisthesis, stenosis spinal, osteoartritis tulang belakang, skoliosis, lordosis, kifosis, serta hemangioma vertebral.
Dangers of Chronic Joint Inflammation
Hermina friends! Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint inflammation caused by cartilage damage. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative and progressive disease that attacks two-thirds of the population aged over 65 years, with a prevalence of 60.5% in...
HNP ( Herniated Nucleus Pulposus )
A hernia of the nucleus pulposus (HNP) is a condition when the vertebral cushions shift and press on the spinal nerves, which is more commonly known as a 'pinched nerve'. The complaints experienced depend on the area experiencing HNP; it can be from the neck to the waist, where 95% occur in the...