dr. Abul A'la Al Maududi, Sp.P

dr. Abul A'la Al Maududi, Sp.P


 Hermina Podomoro

dr. Abul A'la Al Maududi, Sp.P merupakan dokter RS Hermina Podomoro yang menerima konsultasi dari berbagai macam penyakit pernapasan seperti asma, bronkitis, emfisema, dan pneumonia. Pengobatan bisa berupa pemberian obat-obatan yang dikonsumsi secara oral atau dihirup, seperti bronkodilator, kortikosteroid, dan antibiotik. Selain itu, dokter paru juga bisa memberikan terapi oksigen, terapi fisik seperti fisioterapi pernapasan, serta memberikan saran gaya hidup sehat seperti berhenti merokok dan menjaga pola makan yang seimbang. Terapi inhalasi dapat membantu meredakan gejala-gejala pernapasan, sedangkan terapi fisik dapat membantu memperkuat otot-otot pernapasan.
Increasing Cases of Mycoplasma Pneumonia: Recognizing the Symptoms

  In recent times, Mycoplasma pneumonia has become a hot topic of discussion among the community. Mycoplasma pneumonia is a type of bacteria that can cause respiratory tract infections in humans. Although not a virus, its presence has recently caught the attention of many people due ...

10 Easy Ways to Clean Your Lungs Naturally

  The lungs are vital organs in the human respiratory system. They play a crucial role in supplying oxygen to the body and expelling carbon dioxide. However, exposure to air pollution, environmental toxins, and unhealthy lifestyles can affect the health of our lungs. Therefore, it is...

Be cautious, the current air pollution danger in Jakarta is increasing!

Jakarta, as the capital of Indonesia, has experienced rapid urban growth over the past few decades. However, this growth has also been accompanied by serious environmental issues, one of which is air pollution. Air pollution in Jakarta has reached alarming levels, with detrimental impacts on hum...

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