dr. Ade Nur Prihadi Sutopo, Sp.A adalah salah satu dokter spesialis anak di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau adalah dokter yang berfokus pada penanganan masalah kesehatan anak sejak lahir hingga usia remaja (18 tahun) yang meliputi pencegahan, pengobatan, hingga perawatan
Moms' babies or children are often fussy and difficult to breastfeed? Be careful, it could be that your child has a tongue disorder, which is commonly called a tongue tie.
Tongue tie or ankyloglossia is a birth defect of the baby's tongue due to a too short frenulum. The frenulum is the conne...
Moms' babies or children are often fussy and difficult to breastfeed? Be careful, it could be that your child has a tongue disorder, which is commonly called a tongue tie.
Tongue tie or ankyloglossia is a birth defect of the baby's tongue due to a too short frenulum. The frenulum is the conne...
Chickenpox or what we usually know as varicella is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Chickenpox is generally known to be a disease that often occurs in children and only occurs once in a lifetime. However, there are some cases where this disease can also be suffered by adults. Ev...
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Recognize Signs of Tongue Tie in Babies and Handling
Moms' babies or children are often fussy and difficult to breastfeed? Be careful, it could be that your child has a tongue disorder, which is commonly called a tongue tie. Tongue tie or ankyloglossia is a birth defect of the baby's tongue due to a too short frenulum. The frenulum is the conne...
Recognize Signs of Tongue Tie in Babies and Handling
Moms' babies or children are often fussy and difficult to breastfeed? Be careful, it could be that your child has a tongue disorder, which is commonly called a tongue tie. Tongue tie or ankyloglossia is a birth defect of the baby's tongue due to a too short frenulum. The frenulum is the conne...
Recognize Chickenpox in Children
Chickenpox or what we usually know as varicella is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Chickenpox is generally known to be a disease that often occurs in children and only occurs once in a lifetime. However, there are some cases where this disease can also be suffered by adults. Ev...